The Aspect Ratio...

I love the Original LW the most. Just the introduction of the characters, the darker tone etc... But I always wondered why the 2.35 wasn't used. LW2 looks amazing because of the switch to the wider ratio. It just adds that element of Cinema Magic so to say. I know not everyone cares all that much about this, but for those that do, I'm sure you can understand my frustration. I just feel the HD transfer came out much better as well. Watching it in 2016, the moments that don't show any of the styles of the time(Cars, Hairstyles, Clothing) you'd think it was made much later on.


I always prefer the 2.35 aspect ratio.
There might be something in the commentary about the aspect ratio choices for LW1?
I'll check and come back to this at some point.

Do it Doug!!!!
