MovieChat Forums > Lethal Weapon 2 (1989) Discussion > Why do we continue to watch sequels?

Why do we continue to watch sequels?

only a few of them, LW2 for example, are amazingly well done. The vast majority of sequels are absolutely terrible. So why do we do it? I'm just as guilty as anyone else in watching them, but I canna figure out why we watch 'em, yo.

-- Sent from my 13 year old P.O.S. Desktop®


because they are movies in their own right as well

for this movie we know the characters and enjoy them....and the action plot they dig up is pretty good


Because we love the characters and want to see them again...?
Because there are sometimes good ones?


Who's "we"? Speak for yourself, clown.


The question was "why do WE continue to watch sequels"
I guess you missed that part eh?
Learn to read, clown.


LMAO no f vcking $hit sherlock. The fact you have NO clue what I was referring to makes you the biggest clown on the internet. Feel good and stupid now clown? Thought so.


Do I feel GOOD that I have no clue what you're referring to?
Yes I do actually.
I'd rather not be in YOUR head or on your wavelength. Thanks.
