MovieChat Forums > Lethal Weapon 2 (1989) Discussion > FUN MOVIE, IDIOTIC PLOT. EXAMPLE #1



Remember when the black-hooded South African bad guys broke into Danny Glover's house, tied up Glover and his wife, and issued him a warning -- "Back off!" or some such thing?

And then in the very next scene, Gibson is asking Glover who those bad guys were, and Glover is saying, "I dunno. They spoke with these weird kind of accents, but I couldn't place it!"

Remember that?

Well does it make a lick of sense that the bad guys WOULDN'T BOTHER EXPLAINING TO GLOVER WHAT IT WAS HE SHOULD "BACK OFF" FROM??

Cops, after all, are typically working on several cases at once, so wouldn't these baddies have said, "You're working on the Krugerrand case -- but leave it alone!"

If the sole reason for the break-in was to issue Glover a warning, shouldn't they have perhaps EXPLAINED what it was they were warning him about?


Fun movie, idiotic plot.

More idiocy to follow...



I haven't seen this movie in 20 years and came in the middle of it tonight. It's a well executed dumb movie. Other examples:

1. Murtaugh almost gets blown up on the s--tter. Does this lead to an investigation or even a call or two to the state department and the FBI saying, "These South Africans are going above and beyond. We might look into contacting their government to have their immunity revoked so we can prosecute them." Nah they are left pretty much alone so they can execute Order 66 on the entire LAPD.

2. Riggs and Patsy Kensit are shot at. The next scene he drops her off at her apartment as though the previous attempted murder didn't happen. The remaining LAPD aren't called.


2. Riggs and Patsy Kensit are shot at. The next scene he drops her off at her apartment as though the previous attempted murder didn't happen. The remaining LAPD aren't called.

I facepalmed so hard when I saw that scene. They treated the vicious attack like it was a fun part of their date! Mind you, this was shortly after we saw a montage of Riggs' buddies getting taken out. 0_o

Star Wars: Episode VII - The New Holiday Special


The next scene he drops her off at her apartment as though the previous attempted murder didn't happen

That scene is not enough to completely ruin it but it's enough to stop it from been a perfect sequel.

My life fades... the vision dims... all that remains are memories


I think he's just trying to get her home so he can take care of business.

They had to flee out of there asap.

"Please let me keep this memory, just this one." ~ Joel, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


Another one is that the South Africans start killing off the cops without warning except one - Murtagh. They leave a note on the toilet paper roll - why?


26 years later, I just noticed that as well. I'm like 'people just died, they were heavily shot he's dropping her off at home like they wouldn't know where she is living'. Still an awesome movie, which is all it is. I love the 'commercial' scene with Rianne. Just the house and the way the family was all together was so tv-ish.

'She made me wanna go out and by rubbers right now.'

That scene and Joe Pesci after the toilet blew up.

'Okay, okay, okay I gotta go!!!' and the girl was holding him back. lol

R.I.P. Michael Jackson
R.I.P. Heath Ledger
