South Africa

Well this movie did a splendid job of instilling hatred of South African whites. Now that time has passed, I wonder if anybody is going to make a movie about the rape and genocide of white South Africans today? Oh yeah, nevermind, that wouldn't fit the evil white boogeyman narrative Hollywood and the media like to push.


Lighten up. If they were nice guys, there wouldn't be any baddies... It was more about them being diplomats hiding behind their immunity to the law's consciences.



Talking out of your ass again Bumble?

You want to play the game, you'd better know the rules, love.
-Harry Callahan


South Africa traded one bad, discriminatory government for an even more *beep* up and discriminatory government. Yet the current one is celebrated while the older one is demonized.

Feel free to validate my post. I didn't fabricate anything. If you're too weak to dig into it, that's fine, I understand how conditioned our society has become. So, if you want, stick your fingers in your ears and run along.



Not nice when YOU are the victim, is it? You see how you complain about one incident but people of colour who are forever portrayed negatively by Hollywood are considered to be playing the race card when they complain about it - and their complaints are for absolute decades of negative publicity - not just one film in 1989. You're lucky they didn't include the countless murders by the South African police in those last year's of Apartheid.
If you really care about negative portrayals - be sure to also ask Hollywood to redress all of those westerns where the Red Indians were made out to be the bad guys - despite the reality being the opposite. Oh, you never thought of that one? No - you wouldn't, would you? It's OK to demonise Native Americas, I suppose
