MovieChat Forums > Lethal Weapon 2 (1989) Discussion > LW series has worst end credits songs ev...

LW series has worst end credits songs ever

I watched the first two Lethal Weapon films back to back the other night, and I have to say that they chose the absolute worst songs to play over the end credits. The original was obviously written specifically for this purpose, with the chorus being something about "how your love turns into a lethal weapon" (Get it? They worked the title of the movie in there! Clever!). Then the second one had that mumbled, nonsensical George Harrison abortion. The actual score for both films is excellent, but what music supervisor in his right mind would have picked these two crapfest songs? I know it was the 80s and a lot of people in Hollywood were on coke, but come on!


i barely remember the other 3's ending songs, but Harrison's "cheer down" became one of my favorites. if anything, i wonder why such a great song was associated with a summer action movie, and a sequel at that (even if a decent one).


I loved 'Cheer Down' too. I can't remember what song was over the credits on the first movie though.


Only LW3 has the best ending credit song with "Runaway Train" by Elton John, in my opinion.


Dude Cheer Down is actually pretty good! When I first saw this movie I didn't even know who George Harrison was but I loved the song. It was just a great way to cap off the ending. Then when I found out it was George Harrison I appreciated it even more.

Look at that turtle go bro!


Yeah, I liked the song at the end.

Y'know, I could eat a peach for hours


Harrison always had the most interesting post-Beatles songs.

You want to play the game, you'd better know the rules, love.
-Harry Callahan


Cheer Down was an awesome way to end this one especially with the pull out of the city landscape. It was very beautiful and fitting to end. One of those quintessential 80's feel good endings.

Haven't seen LW 1's credits all the way through but 3's was good but not as good as 2's was minus the after the credits scene that was hilarious. 4's was good but really sad too because it was acknowledging the end of the series.

