MovieChat Forums > Lethal Weapon 2 (1989) Discussion > Would Riggs really have been able to...

Would Riggs really have been able to...

pull down that house on stilts, just using his truck? That always seemed highly unlikely to me?


Maybe the Mythbusters should test it; they already tested the toilet bomb scene.


Well... we saw Riggs do it, didn't we?

But if you're asking if it's possible in real life, then I don't know. I wouldn't doubt it.

Hey there, Johnny Boy, I hope you fry!


Yep, it was stupid, like most of that movie. Loved LW2 when I first saw it. Now I only see the stupidity.

Gibson and Glover are great, though.



If the house had one main supporting member and he pulled that away then maybe but that supporting member would likely be thick concrete/metal buried deep in the ground, unlikely a regular pickup would pull it.


The idea of those cantilevered houses in such a quake-stricken region is absurd, so I don't have any problem suspending the disbelief and watching Riggs pull it down.

When you step back and think about it, yeah, it's a ridiculous stunt. But at that point in the movie, Riggs is super-pissed, their fellow officers are all dead, Leo's being smacked around and something's gotta give. So when he finally does that crazy thing, we're right there with him. Plus, it makes a pretty loud bang.

It's still not as stupid as Riggs dropping Rika back at her house.

Schlotkin! We're done with you. Go back to the golf course and work on your putz.
