Better Villain Duo?

The General and Mr. Joshua?

Or Arjinn and Mr. Vorstedt?

Tough call.

The General is a solid baddie but Joss Ackland gives this cold and nasty edge to Arjinn that make you wanna see him go down: "Diplomatic IMMUNITYYY!!"

Gary Busey's Joshua is pure menace, a true "Dragon" by the trope's standards.

Vorstedt gets points for being the man who killed Riggs's wife, but he doesn't get the screen time or the classic lines that Joshua has.



Vordstedt acted like a gay *beep* the whole time, with his speech, and then his fake karate moves in the Riggs fight.


Vorstedt didn't get the cool bad guy scene where he could withstand something harmful. Like a lighter to the arm. Oooo, he knows how to shoot people with a silencer. Anyone can do that! He was lame.

The General and Mr. Joshua on this one, no contest. Rudd was just a devious desk jockey, whereas McAllister was a corrupt military man; a remnant of the same Hell that Riggs emerged from ('Nam) and who moved heroin into the country. And he got the really good line: "There's no more heroes left in the world, son."

Let's be honest, it'd be a tall order to compare most bad guys to crazy Gary Busey. And Vorstedt doesn't come close. Even when he was dancing around Riggs on the cargo ship (dancing!), you just wanted Riggs to kill the little worm. Busey, on the other hand . . . it was kind of a shame to see him go.

In 20 minutes that place'll be swarming with mailmen. We'll be back on the street by lunch.


@MrLuthor89 I can barely remember the General, so my vote's for Arjinn and Vorstedt. Diplomatic immunity!
