MovieChat Forums > Lethal Weapon 2 (1989) Discussion > Riggs should have killed him with the go...

Riggs should have killed him with the gold pen

They made such a big deal about how the gold pen was a symbol of his wife dying. And since that guy reveals to Riggs that he caused his wife to crash her car, it would have been a better ending if he pulled out the gold pen and said "This is for Vickie" and stabs him in the temple with it! Anyone agree?



Vorstedt was ok, anybody who visits the LW4 boards knows how I feel about Jet Lis character... THAT is tacky (oh hes so badass!!!) give me a break.. I hate bad guys that are essentially invincible. the human tank character was better than Lis.

I think the gold pen in the eye would have been good, but without the cheesy "this is for vicki" line.

vickis death is mentioned in every lethal weapon film, and it almost drove riggs to suicide, so its a pretty important part of the plot. (oe as peter says "im the guy that changed the course of your life, man")




I agree with the previous poster, that element could have been taken out, keeping in that they kill the other girl, and I would have believed Riggs going into a murderous rage over that.

To me there are elements of the LW series that add a sense of reality to it, despite it going OTT much to our entertainment; one of those thing was that his wife died in an average car wreck. My emotional investment in Riggs went down a bit when it turned out that these villains just happened to be responsible.

Of course, for all we know it wasn't true and Vorsted just wanted to taunt Riggs in what he thought would be his final moments. He'd obviously done a lot of research.

Reason is a pursuit, not a conclusion.




That definetly would have been a lot more satisfactory. I can imagine it happening just after Vorstedt starts twisting the knife in the back of Rigg's leg. Riggs yells in pain and with one hand trying to pull out the knife, he uses his other hand to reach for the pen in his back pocket. In one quick movement he yanks out the pen and swings it right into Vorstedt neck. Vorstedt lets go of the knife and falls back with blood oozing out of his neck. Riggs pulls the knife out of his leg, tosses it aside and after a brief rest, gets back to his feet before Roger finds him and Arjen starts shooting at him. That would be awesome IMO.




The evil German guy pulls out a sword and swings furiously at Riggs, who gets the upper hand and stabs him in the eye with the golden pen. He says, "THE PEN IS MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD" or some such thing.


Sounds like something only Arnold would say.

You want to play the game, you'd better know the rules, love.
-Harry Callahan
