MovieChat Forums > Lethal Weapon 2 (1989) Discussion > One of the best movies ever, but just on...

One of the best movies ever, but just one flaw.....

I have seen this movie over 200 times. It was awesome then and it is still awesome now. The one major flaw I have about his movie is when the bad guys are killing off the police. You see the diving board explode, you see Wyler get shot in the head when he is hanging upside down, you see the house explode when the guy opens the stereo... etc.. That was all great, but the biggest problem I have is when the bad guys went to Roger's house. It was the scene when Roger told Leo to stay in the car and Roger went inside to watch the video tape with Alba Varden. These bad guys seemed like trained killers. Your telling me that they went to Roger's house to use hand on hand combat??? What the hell? Roger nails the guy with the nail gun and then you see a guy punch a hole in the plastic and I guess he was going to strangle Roger???? Huh???? That guy had no weapon???? I just cant buy it!!!! Any thoughts on this?


Not only do I completely agree with you on that, but they completely *beep* up their other attempt on Roger's life as I said myself in the post I started the other day:

Why did the bad guys give Roger a warning with the toilet bomb?
by BulletHeadedSaxonMothersSon (Sun Apr 22 2012 14:27:18)

Seriously, that's the only reason he survived. Were it not for someone, probably Vorstedt, writing "Boom! You're dead!" on the toilet paper Roger would have stood up after finishing his business and been blown to smithereens.

I don't get it.


I am glad that someone agrees with me!! The warning on the toilet was ridiculous. The only thing I can think of there was that they were trying to mock him. So, other then that the movie is still great!!!


Not only that, BUT... when they try to kill Riggs they put a straightjacket on him and throw him in the ocean. Why didn't they just shoot him? (Although to be fair, there's no way they could have known about his shoulder dislocating trick.)


That's another great point. It's almost like the old Batman show. They give him a chance to escape without watching!!!


I think they underestimated Roger because they thought he was old and slow. Because he was Riggs's partner who killed one of their guys, shot the aquarium, and kept harassing them they took it personally with Roger and wanted to torture him and make his death as brutal as possible which is why they did not just shoot him, though it was still a dumb move to use knives and not have guns. The writing on the toilet paper seems believable, they figure after Roger saw that he would panic and quickly get up to look around the house and would be blown up and that would be the last thing he saw. Putting Riggs in a straight jacket sounded like a evil and foolproof way of killing him, they never would have known he could dislocate his shoulder and escape from something like that, they did the same thing to Rica and it worked fine plus they did not have to worry about someone hearing a gunshot or forensics matching bullets to guns if they used a silencer, nobody was going to find Riggs or Rica unless they knew where to look.


I always just figured that since they were racist scumbag killers that they wanted to enjoy giving Roger a slow death. My small complaint about that scene though is they send a couple of helicopters full of guys with automatic weapons to kill Riggs, but only two guys to kill Murtaugh. Anyway, it's not big enough to take away from this great movie.


They knew Riggs from his days in Long Beach, so they must have figured he'd be much harder to kill than Murtaugh. The message on the toilet paper was just to rub it in. Roger couldn't call anybody (didn't have a cell phone on the toilet). Throwing Riggs in the water was to let him see they killed Rika right before drowning. The only reason he got out of it was he could dislocate his shoulder at will.

As for Murtaugh in his hobby room, did the first guy have a gun and Murtaugh knocked it out of his hand right away when he saw his reflection in the TV? I can't remember. Granted, the second guy just had to shoot him through the plastic and be done with it, but I swear the first guy had a weapon of some kind.

"I passed out drunk at a frat party & ended up with more clothes on"--Amy, The Big Bang Theory
