MovieChat Forums > The Little Mermaid (1989) Discussion > WHY DIDN'T they draw her scales?

WHY DIDN'T they draw her scales?

Like on the artwork? I assume lack of time/money or it wouldn't look right<?


For someone who just watched this film you seen to have alot of questions

During Under Da Sea There are "scales" on Ariel's "lap" when Sebastain sings about the working in the sun

Early merchandise drawings and some merchandise feature the scales
9This comes from 1989 experience with the film)

One can assume that it detracts from the image on screen An example in cartoons and comics how often are "lines" drawn on peoples teeth to show individual "teeth?"


I am obviously referring to the film as a whole.


Who Ariel, she is not a fish


Actually she's half fish.


That would've been more realistic and I guess they could've drawn her scales but I guess the way it's animated is why her scales were not depicted in depth.

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Yes that's what I thought, but they did look great on the poster.


Much too time-consuming and therefore expensive.


That's how I see it. This wasn't done digitally like Frozen where they created thousands of little snowflakes.
