Things I didn't get

1. What do mermaids eat and how do they reproduce.
2. How did that Eric statue get into Ariels Cave it couldn't have fit in the door.
3. Yay why did it take like a few minuets for Ariel to turn into a Polyp, but it took Trident a few seconds.
4. Ok so when Ariel got on the boat she was barefoot, but when she gets her voice back she has shoes on.


You left number 5 blank.

Anyway, mermaids probably reproduce the same way fish do. That's all I got for you.


1. Based on one of the reasons why King Triton hated humans (basically, they ate fish), I'd assume that merpeople were vegetarians. So far as how they reproduced, I'd assume they reproduced the same way as mammals do, given the fact that mermaids have mammary glands would suggest they nurse their young.

2. I'd assume Flounder and, if we go by the TV series, any other fish that was sympathetic to Ariel's love of humanity, gave some help in putting it in. Either that, or it crashed the roof.

3. Ursula most likely had some degree of control over the spell, slow down its rate in order to force Triton to sign it (not much point in having Triton sign it if the spell moved as fast as it did on Triton).

4. Pretty much the same reason why Sebastian had an appearing/disappearing thimble-foot, why Ursula has six tentacles instead of eight, and why Ariel's all of a sudden without her dress after Ursula takes her: The company made animation mistakes, and since they were in the red in terms of finances, they simply could not afford to fix the mistakes before release.

Since you didn't list what 5 is, I won't answer it.


1 Mermaids as stated by previous posters are mammals both male and female have navels Plus yes vegetarians

2 In an issue of Disney Adventures magazine Flounder had a octopus or squid drag it into the grotto. The door was damaged probably the octopus so it fixed the rock door
I do not if the last part was true

3 Drama Suspense sticking it to Triton

4 Animation errors and many are in this and other animated films
Plus Disney's love HATE relationship with this film

5 you ran out of ideas


Ok wear did Ariels clothes go when Ursula dragged her underwater. She clearly has them on when she transforms into a mermaid so why not when she's underwater. And why does she have her seashell bra on.


If that's your number 5. I'll answer it then, by repeating what I answered with regarding Answer 4, only slightly modified.

4. Pretty much the same reason why Sebastian had an appearing/disappearing thimble-foot and why Ursula has six tentacles instead of eight: The company made animation mistakes, and since they were in the red in terms of finances, they simply could not afford to fix the mistakes before release.
