MovieChat Forums > Lock Up (1989) Discussion > Warden would never be able to get away w...

Warden would never be able to get away with it.

I Bought lock up a few months ago and watched it three times.
every time i saw lock up i tought to myself that in reality the worden would
never get away with it. there are laws that protect inmates in prison.
heres one thing i would like to know where was leones lawer?
how could the worden get leone transferd in the middle of the night without a
court order?
dont wordens have to answer to a administrative board?
wordens do not have full autority over their prisons.


I agree. Lock Up is still a good prison flick even though it is unrealistic.


I agree and disagree. I agree that the Warden would not be able to get away with anything that he does, but I disagree in you saying that this is a good film. It's awful. Nothing is explained.


great flick by yeah it was unrealistic.

Wardens can't request specific prisoners to their prisons, they can transfer prisoners away but can not bring them in for no reasons especially since by all accounts Leoni should not have had to go to maximum security since he is a model prisoner. And given the history between Leone and warden drumgoogle, the justice administration likely would not allow it.

Franks lawyer is never mentioned at all either and there are several instances when he should be involved such as the midnight transfer and Frank getting sent to the hole for six weeks.

As well with the ending sequence, Frank likely would not have gotten off. He was not forced to escape, just because his girlfriend was supposedly going to get raped and would not have been released within 3 weeks after an escape attempt and killing two guards as well as holding the wardens hostage. He'd need physical proof against the warden since his confession likely would not hold up as he was practically forced to confess.


supposedly it is a true story



You guys twist and turn every movie...!!1 Yo its a movie so its a little unrealistic thats because its a movie


Amen ! I have been searching for a message like this for a long time ..... These are movies we are talking about, they are supposed to be in a hypothetical world, i.e, some aspects will never be realistic; so chill people


"I'm sorry, did I break your concentration?"



Yea, but one of the guards he killed was a "fat piece of *beep* That certainly would not have counted. Plus the warden was crazy. The only thin that didn't happen that should have happened is that the warden should have gotten burned.


Hi, could someone please tell me what happened in the first 5 mins of the movie because it was on TV tonight but jus as it started my dad decided to call me!! By the time I got back in my room Sly was talking to the warden in that excecution room



I think it would be possible. Prisons are corrupt places, even with all the new laws enacted to protect prisoners Prison is still a place you dont' want to go.

To become the Warden he was probably connected, especially since he lost his last job because of the inmate. He probably used his connections to get the inmate transfered. The transfer was official the original prison staff said so.

I think due to time restraints most of the stuff explaining how the transfer went through etc was cut out, or prehaps to keep the suspensful feel of the begining in tact.

As for being found not guilty and allowed to go free after serving his time, I beleive he was probably freed because of the corruption having such a negitive effect on him. Don't forget he didn't do anything wrong other than defend himself against the guards. The escape was brought on by the Warden setting him up.


i agree, has anyone in this forum actually been to prison...its *beep* up n they get away literally with murder


based on a true story ?

wow never knew that



Maybe specific state and country laws varied in the time the script was written as opposed to modern times?


as it was previously stated given the horrid conditions and such things as six weeks in solitary and also the testimony of several inmates and the head guard who was a good man would go a long way to getting him released


Prisons are a hellhole and the cop and administration run it and can pretty much do whatever they want. They can make your life hell very easily and theres nothing you can do about it.

I <3 Emily Blunt


Yes they are a hell hole (which is why I've never done anything to end up there) but there have been so many "prison warden doing bad thing" movies it's become a cliche.

We have had the lady warden who ran the live internet survival game on some island, we've have caged death matches on live internet, car races where the winner (supposedly) gets free- also broadcast live in the internet (pay-per view).

It makes for great fun but totally unrealistic. The prisons in Mexico, Central & South America are pretty much anything goes. And prisons in parts of Asia and SE Asia. You would not want to end up there. You could end up in one and no one would even know you were there.


Do some time, then you can give a better opinion. I know we think prisons in the Us are like 5 star hotels compared third world countries, but believe me.. they suck. And its not about conditions. Its about prison rules. Once youre locked up, your ass belongs to them. Im sure you think if youre getting mistreated you can just report it, but nope. Prisons can punk you and you just have to take it.

if you were in jail and the warden was *beep* with you, do you think if you wrote a letter to your friend and told him that he'd be able to do anything about it?

What would you do Leone wrote you and told you what was going on.. go to the FBI? how far do you think you'd get?

I <3 Emily Blunt


I don't need to "do some time" to know when a movie is totally ridiculous. I never said US prisons were 5 star hotels & of course they suck- it's prison! Of course there are rules: there are rules on the outside too! Prisoners have access to lawyers, law books & can bring all sorts of lawsuits.

We're talking about this movie & it's premise, which is totally unbelievable.


If you're going to get your info from movies, watch a movie called Felon. That'll give you a better idea of what its like to be in prison.

I agree the movies goes a little far, but prisons do own your ass. There's a lot in this movie that you might think wouldn't fly, but it easily could.

A guard could easily accuse you of having a shank and throw you in the hole for as long as they want, and you aint gonna have your cell phone to call your lawyer.

I <3 Emily Blunt


Not a bad movie but pretty derivative, as most prison movies are. Still most of Sly's stuff is pretty entertaining.

The OP and others are right though. It'd just never happen IRL.

A warden from a maximum security prison couldn't just drag a convict out of a low security prison and on weekend release and drag them off to maximum security on a whim. The lawyers, politicians and media would have a field day.🐭


The film uses every text book on how to write a prison break movie. Every bad one too.
Honestly every cliche on the book is in here.


I agree, one of the most evil characters I’ve ever seen in a movie.
