MovieChat Forums > Lock Up (1989) Discussion > 5.6/10 seriously wtf? This was awesome!!...

5.6/10 seriously wtf? This was awesome!!!!

Ok Stallone cant talk and he should have a translator next to him but this movie was *beep* good! I was so entertained the whole movie. Its not even a movie thats "so bad its actually funny" but even when it has some clishees and is predictable i recommend this movie!

Don't you *beep* look at me!


I've always loved Lock Up, so I couldn't agree more.


Wait a minute... who am I here?


8 easily


It is great. I always loved this movie. I would give it an 8 or 9 easy. Terrific movie. They dont make them like this anymore.


This was also my first thought at seeing the ratings


Me too,always enjoyed it,even better than Tango and Cash lol.

'Are you gonna bark all day little doggy?or arya gonna bite?'MR BLONDE


Well i've given it what i thnk it deserves. i reckon it should be about 6.5, so i rated it a 7


Mate....Lock Up is awesome! Now I am not saying this is on a same complexity level of the Shawshank Redemption nor has it the same charecter development. However it is welcome mix of drama, mild action and romance all wrapped up in one.



You know why the rating is 5.6? That's because it's due to the kids, probably in the range of 9-10 years old(typical in IMDB) that have nothing better to do that clicking around the mouse and messing around the keyboard with their itchy fingers. That is why the rating is 5.6.

I didn't rate this movie here but all I can say is I give it a minimum 8 for pure fun!!


kicka$$ movie


this movie got a 5.6 because it was an average movie at best. the plot was cliche (not clishee as the first dude decided to spell it.) full of holes, and hardly plausible situations. there was no pure fun, no fun really at all. there was no explanation of what happened to the warden. the music sucked, the acting sucked with the exception of a couple uprising supporting actors, and o ya, all stalone movies suck a$$. except rocky. give him a part with as few lines as possible, have him shoot lots of guns while yelling, and give him a good work out montage cause thats all hes good for. giving it a 6 is generous.





7 from me, decent cast , some great quotes, well ott fighting, that wicked american football game and it was quite violent = 7 easily, one of his best films imo, after that he kind of lost it till recently again




i gave it 10 :)

it is a great movie


Same here, the movie rules. 5.6 is ridiculous

"Eye for an eye, and the whole world's a pirate"




I thoroughly enjoyed this film and gave it a 9 :)

Fantastic 'Futurama' Forum!!


If it weren't for the Stallone name attached to it, I'd say this movie would be ranked higher (I thought Stallone did a good job too, but some people seem to hate anything he does). I'd say it deserves to be in the upper 6s at least (relative to the ranking of other movies on IMDb.


I think this one of Stallone's better movies. It can work on two levels. 1. A fun, straight-forward prison action movie. 2. An unintentional satire/parody. Especially because of Donald Sutherland's performance. I think his performance may possibly be intentionally satirical.


Just saw it for the first time in maybe 10 or 15 years. Now im 28 and must say this was the best movie ive seen this year. Really great in all aspects!


I thought it was pretty entertaining. Agreed that it was cliched and predictable, but it was still good fun.

What do you think this is, a signature? It's a way of life!


I rated it 8/10

"Because of my big legs and my karate, I can do the splits......Noo...Prroblemm"


It's cos of Stallone, he seems to have such stigma attached to him.


I saw it yesterday and I have been quite keen on going to the movies this year and this is easily along the better offerings if one would compare


All I can say is this...when I was a youngin' and I saw this...I despised the movie. I think I was expecting action or something that would make me want to "watch it again or to copy the VHS rental" that I had.

I will watch this again being 37 years old and maybe, I will feel the same as others.


Its always been one of my favorite prison films.

Haters gonna hate


Its always been one of my favorite prison films.

Haters gonna hate
