MovieChat Forums > Prancer (1989) Discussion > john duda (jessie's brother,steve .)

john duda (jessie's brother,steve .)

does anyone know what john duda has done since he was in prancer ?he plays jessie's brother,steve, in the film.i used to have a crush on him when i was younger !i'm 20 now so i'm too old to like him as he was then because he's younger in the film !i liked him when i was a similar age to what he was in the film.i might still have a crush on him now if i see him now !does anyone know how old he is now ?i've tried to find some more info on him but havent had much luck.prancer is the only thing ive seen him in.if anyone could give me some info on him about what he's done since,what he's doing now,his biography,e.t.c,i'd really appreciate it.


he should be close to your age

reply you know anything else about him ?do you know how old he was when he was in prancer or do you have a guess ? if i knew how old he was in prancer then id know how old he is now.i 'm 20 so yeah he might not be that much older.he might be in his mid to late twenties.if you find out anything about him please let me know.


ok im not sure about this but i think he was like 13 or 14 in prancer


I think he's around 26 or 27 now. The most recent movie he did was in 93' I don't know if he couldn't find work or if it was by choice. So he only continued to do movies about 4 years after he did prancer, but if you checked out his movies after that you may get a little taste of him older. The movies he did after Prancer is Rudy, The Woman Who Loved Elvis, Eyes of an Angel, The Tender, Backdraft, Flatliners. I had a crush on him too I think he was a "hottie" (I was only 3 when this movie came out LOL). Thats all I know of him, but I hope that helps.


"This Isn't PMS I Just Hate You"


ok well, i know this is kinda late but....

My older brother use to hang out with his brother kevin duda until about high school but they did all through grammar school. They lived about a half a mile from my house in Oak Lawn, IL. I remember John was there basketball coach for Sword School one year when they were in 6th grade, i was like 7 or 8 years old. Last thing i heard my brother talkin about was that I think kevin went out to LA to try to become a film maker and John enrolled in Havard to become a lawyler because their dad was also an attorney. That's only what i remember though, but things could have changed


hi did you you see john when his brother hung round with your brother ?do you know how old he is now ?when was the last time you heard your brother talk about him ?do you know if he got married and had kids or anything ?i think its a shame that he didnt carry on with his acting



how old are you jollygirluk if you dont mind me asking ?



i'm 21 aswell


hehe.. i also had a crush on "Steve" in the movie too....... oooooo...... i liked the way he said her name though, and how he told her that dad did love her..

okily dokily smokily



He played a classic 80's jerk brother.
His look was quite different than Sam Elliott though. Somehow vampiric, like he came off the set of The Lost Boys or Twilight films.


I had a crush on him too. I thought he was cute.

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