Best of the Series

I love the first four movies to death and I think the first two are perfect in every way and much more perfect than this one.

But in terms of suspense, entertainment and enjoyment - this movie got to me the most.

But I love all the movies almost equally. All of them have something great to offer.

My favorite moment in this movie was when Chekov got to pretend he was captain.


There are aspects of this movie I like. But there are so many goofy moments its hard to really embrace it. After four movies, we finally had Kirk back in command of the Enterprise...I thought we could have gotten much better.

"Live long and suck it, Zachary Quinto!"


He certainly didn't do much as captain.


And this is what bothers me the most. He could have gone anywhere and done anything, yet we get this. He should have gotton someone really good to come up with the story.

Six TOS movies and none of them have given us a real story of space exploration leading to some adventure. Eight if you count the reboot.

"Live long and suck it, Zachary Quinto!"


bj_arni, I love Trek 5, and I clearly remember loving it in theatres in 1989.

In fact, Batman (1989) and Star Trek V (1989) almost totally stole my attention over everything in 1989. I went nuts over the two films!

I still love Trek 5 today...but perhaps for not the same reasons as you...the Chekov footage is perhaps the least memorable part of the film to me.
