MovieChat Forums > Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989) Discussion > the reasons why I like Star trek V and w...

the reasons why I like Star trek V and why it should be somewhat honored

first off the music score by Jerry Goldsmith is absolutely perfect

some of the space effects are beautiful and believable , the God planet and Enterprise A near the moon

the scene where Sybok confronts Kirk, Bones and McCoy is awesome

Ok it doesn't have the drama of II and V but is still a worthy sequel. its only sin is maybe Shatner was too ambitious but at the same time a good director . it should be noted Shatner didn't write the screenplay

Amy Adams likes to tie me up


I'll admit that I like the movie more now than the first time I saw it. I won't comment on the screeplay and the directing, but I admire Shatner's story. I prefer big ideas covered in Trek sauce.


Heh...we didn't get Shatner's original big idea.

"Oh no...they sent the wrong Spock!"


I've read a little about this here, but I'm not sure what the original idea was. Would care to explain (or at least point me somewhere where I can find out)?

Edit: I've read about the rockman sequence and the greater impression they wanted to make with the "God planet," but was there some major change to the overall concept from what Shatner had in mind?


The original concept was a war between Heaven and Hell with the Enterprise caught in the middle. Of course, the lunkheads at the studio nixed it. JMS later came out with a similar concept as the basis for Babylon 5.

"Oh no...they sent the wrong Spock!"


I thought the space effects were just as silly as the rest of the movie. I mean they are flying into what looks like milk being poured into a cup of tea. I seriously doubt any real or theoretical space phenomenon looks like that.


Of course a space phenomenon wouldn't look like that. This is fiction, and escapism. I liked this one very much. Sure the writing was off kilter, but there was a lot of effort put into and Shatner should have been noted more for that.

Come, Fly the teeth of the wind!


Funnily enough, the Mutara Nebula effects from Wrath of Khan were just that-- milk being poured into a cup of tea. Well, actually it was milk being poured into a tank of salt water, but you get the picture.


Well anyway, the Mutara Nebula looked kind of convincing and a bit like the pictures of nebulas from Hubble. Meanwhile the space scenes in Star Trek V looked like the hallucinations of somebody who is high on drugs



I do like that Sybok wasn't a total "GRRRR! I'M EVIL!" villain like the ones we've seen in most Trek films. I'd say Sybok was more of an antihero than a villain.


I agree. The conflict arose from intellectual/ideological differences, rather than simply "good vs. evil" -- which made it much more....Trekky.

"After years of fighting with reality, I am pleased to say that I have finally won out over it."


And Sybok accepted his mistake at the end. But his sacrifice seemed rather useless, only allowing time for them to fire a photon torpedo, which doesn't kill the landing party even though they are 20 feet away hiding behind a rock, and doesn't kill the alien, only Sybok. What a waste.

So why does a few shots from the Bird of Prey seem to destroy the alien (or at least chase him away), but the photon torpedo doesn't?

"Live long and suck it, Zachary Quinto!"


Dunno. needed rock creatures.

"After years of fighting with reality, I am pleased to say that I have finally won out over it."


The score and the effects can't save the movie on their own. It is a bad Star Trek movie especially when compared to the likes of TWOK or First Contact.

- Gothamite #4

I've learned that it's OK to be flawed - Winona Ryder


The scene with McCoy euthanizing his dad. Is better than anything in the most of the TNG Movies and all of Jar Jar Movies.


I think it's the weakest of the original movies, but it's really not as bad as many make it out to be. It's better than all the TNG movies, for example, except maybe First Contact.


It may be the weakest of the original films, but it has a message and moral to the story. That puts it right up there with the rest of 'em.

When will you ever learn, this feeling is all you can discern?


I happen to like one of the most hated things about this movie - the camping scenes. This movie had the best Kirk-Spock and McCoy scenes of any of the movies. The three of them were almost never together in the other movies. There moments together here were quite enjoyable and reminiscent of the show itself. Maybe the singalong was over the top but they still had some great moments before and after the song.
