Could the Rock Man Have Worked?

If he were larger than life - more like the one in Galaxy Quest and less like Ben Grimm? ek-v-rock-man

Not implying that any effects could have saved this mess of a story - but it's still interesting to imagine what they had in mind.


I absolutely think the rock monster should have been depicted as a large creature. I never liked the idea of ten of them running around. Personally, I think the rock suit design was pretty decent. With some clever lighting and not showing too much at one time, I think it could have been made to work. The problem is that these guys (including Shatner) just didn't have a firm grasp of the film making techniques needed to bring this thing to life on screen with any sort of cinematic style. Lighting and editing can sell these things if all combined properly, but when you watch a test reel of the stunt man stumbling around doing nothing, it amplifies what can go wrong when the wrong person who hasn't a clue is filming it. You need someone with a vision that could have convinced the suits that it could have been effectively incorporated into the final cut.

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Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?
