MovieChat Forums > Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989) Discussion > This was the end of Star Trek movies for...

This was the end of Star Trek movies for me

I was a huge Star Trek movie fan. As a 14 year old I went to STTMP opening night on Dec 7, 1979. I followed the saga of getting Star Trek II made, reading montly updates in Starlog magazine. I saw STTWOK the first week it came out in the summer of 1982. I saw Star Trek 3 opening night in 1984 at a Kansas City movieplex. Later I recorded ST3 from the master VHS to a blank Memorex and played the cool ending dozens and dozens of times.

While in the military I saw Star Trek 4 at a small military base in Southeast Turkey. The movie was so chewed up by other showings around Europe(we were at the end of the supply line) it got stuck during the Klingon Bird of Prey harrier scene, went backwards for a few seconds..then the projectionist declared the night was over.

In 1989 I saw Star Trek V opening weekend, couldn't really follow the plot and as I walked out I declared "I'm through with Star Trek movies!"

I do admit I've seens bits and pieces of almost all the subsequent Star Trek movies I never really got into them like I did the ones from 1979-1989.
