MovieChat Forums > UHF (1989) Discussion > RIP Kevin McCarthy (R.J. Fletcher)

RIP Kevin McCarthy (R.J. Fletcher)

The world may have lost a great, comical actor... but all mops can put their worries aside.

Okay, I'm joking. Rest In peace, man.

Now I have three sequels. Ho ho ho.


He had my favorite line in this movie when he starts slamming the townspeople. "This town means less to me than a festering bowl of dog snot!"


Mr McCarthy really did a great job as the wretched RJ Fletcher. This performance was easily as good as Leslie Nielsen's in Airplane.

And take that ridiculous thing off! (underling removes his mustache)


*face contorts* "A U.H.F. STATION!!!" Best delivery ever.

"Here's a spoiler. You will DIE ALONE." - Triumph the Insult Comic Dog


Don't spend it all in one place...

GEE.... WOW... Thanks Mr.. a PENNY!!!


This is the only movie that I have seen him in (or that I remember seeing him in) but I was surprised when I was watching an episode of Twilight Zone to see him in that. When I found out he died, I admit to being a little sad because to me, he will always be RJ Fletcher and Walter Jameson.

Es todo bueno!


Kevin McCarthy was a stage, film and television actor who appeared in over two hundred television and film roles, including the lead role in 1956 horror science fiction film "Invasion of the Body Snatchers". For his role in the film version of "Death of a Salesman" he was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor and won a Golden Globe Award for New Star of the Year - Actor.


He also had a cameo in the 1978 remake of Invasion Of The Body Snatchers. He plays the guy who runs up to Donald Sutherland's car screaming "They're coming!!!". It's possible he's reprising his role from the original, it's not really explained. He was also in the Twilight Zone movie, as well as that episode.

He was in a lot of great stuff. On top of Invasion, Twilight Zone and UHF he was in Innerspace (he was a hilarious bad guy in that one), The Howling and Piranha. Among other things.

See you guys at the 10 year prison reunion - Ben Richards
