MovieChat Forums > UHF (1989) Discussion > Mistake in the trivia section

Mistake in the trivia section

Why do IMDb trivia sections have terrible mistakes so often? Star Wars movies have "Darth Vader" misspelled (I forgot how exactly, but perhaps something like 'Vadar'), and now this.

"In the "Ghandi II" scene, Ghandi is played by director Jay Levey. "

It's not GHANDI.


The least you can do is spell his name right, after all he has done for world peace!

Why is this 'american typo' so very common, I can't understand. Are people this stupid and disrespectful, or are they just so evil?

Whoever wrote that, should really check this list:

If the correct spelling of even ONE of those words is news to them, then they really need to learn english.


You could have just corrected the "mistake" if it meant that much to you in the time it took you to type that post instead.

And so, God came forth and proclaimed widescreen is the best.
Sony 16:9


I have no interest in UHF, but I did see one of your posts on another thread. Instantly I disliked you, so I done a bit of research. Had a look at your other posts etc (hence the reason I am replying to your most recent one).

Lets just get things out in the open for starters, you are a pretentious *beep* Your categorization of any spelling or grammatical error as an 'american typo' highlights this. I even had a look at your stupid little page. I have to say, I'm not sure if I should be impressed or worried for you. The amount of effort that must have went into that psychotic rant and for what? I even done a bit of directory traversing to find your little counter.html file - which has a total of 2 visitors, which amused me greatly.

Anyway, back to my point, you seem to be incapable of grasping the concept of communication - i.e. what "proper English" is used for. It is to convey information so that others can understand it. So seeing as in a lot of your posts where you correct someone's mistakes, you fully understand what they were trying to say, therefore they have been successful in their communication. This, again, comes back to you being a pretentious *beep* you somehow see yourself as better for using correct English, when in actuality, all you are doing is showing these people you have missed the underlining purpose of communication (which by the way, is so much worse than some spelling or grammar errors).

Also in your self important ranting, you go on to use the example of someone learning English from the internet as a reason to use correct English. Now, if someone is 'studying' English from IMDB comments - instead of another website that, oh I don't know, specifically teaches English - then they have a lot more problems than simple spelling and grammar errors.

Anyway, this post also had a kind of FYI purpose too, since you like to nit pick everyone's posts, I am going to make it my goal to highlight your stupidity to everyone else on the thread, so you'll be hearing from me a lot - I'm more than sure we will become friends :)

So I'll A B C ya soon, next up, Limitless!
