MovieChat Forums > UHF (1989) Discussion > Finally recognized for what it is!

Finally recognized for what it is!

I was just looking at this month's TCM schedule. UHF is going to be on over Thanksgiving weekend. I always knew this movie was a classic!


I totally agree a classic never dies out just gets better with age lol . Thanks jumaward for your subject post .


It took me by surprise reading his post that this was shown on TCM. I think it is hilarious to watch, but I did not think that it would have been shown on there yet. It is a classic though and they do not make films like this at all anymore.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans!


When TCM did show this movie back then ( and it was my very first time ever watching it too - surprisingly lol ) I remember it was on very late at night - almost dawn to my recollection . It was some special movie lineup for the occasion I guess ? It had a crazy title for the whole movie lineup also but I can't remember what it was called ( sorry about that ) . I agree RobBase086-1 they just don't make movies as good like this anymore . I was really glad TCM did show this really funny movie on it's most excellent channel .


That is cool to hear that it was your first time watching this when TCM showed it on at that hour of the night. Yes films like this are great to watch late at night in my opinion. That is why I also loved watching USA UP ALL NIGHT because they would show some rare yet interesting films to watch at night on a Friday and Saturday night. Do not worry if you cannot remember the movie line up and what it was called. That is all right I understand about that. I bet you were glad that TCM showed this late at night. Yes it is a very good channel to watch and that is why I prefer watching that channel over AMC. AMC seems to have sold out in my opinion. I remember when they would show films from the 1920's on up to the 70's and it was not until the late 90's when they completely revamped their station to show commercials, paid programming, and the most recent movies that just came out. I feel that by now AMC should still be showing films from the 20's on up to the 90's now and then in another decade or so be showing films that came out in the 2000's. That is how you keep everyone satisfied in my opinion.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans!


I totally agree RobBase086-1 the channel AMC is not as good as TCM . It's very interesting AMC used to be as good many years ago like TCM but sold out ( plus this awful added feature on every channel like AMC of this split-screen during the end credits of every show ? what's the point of that ? Except ruins the whole effect of the movie experience . ) . That's a shame and tragic for a once upon a time quality channel that AMC used to be . Why these networks do these sudden and unnecessary changes is beyond me ( " quite illogical " as Spock the vulcan would have said lol ) . I do tend to gravitate towards the commercial-free channels with unedited programs and movies especially this past year when I upgraded my cable to FIOS . It's such a whole different world and the same wonderful equivalent to the DVD world lol . So yes I was really glad I could experience this movie the way it was suppose be shown unedited and commercial-free .


AMC cornered the market long before Ted Turner even had his channel TCM. I mean it was perfect the way it was where you got to watch the movies first and then after the movies they would have the commercials in between for a break to go to the bathroom, get a snack, or what ever you needed to do before the next movie started. Yes it was very good years ago AMC was, but I think what happened is that after the people retired who were doing a fine job with AMC and they replaced them with younger people who came from possibly other networks for more money screwed AMC up. Now they are doing a reality show about these guys who own a comic book store. Plus, they have dropped movies to show their TV shows Mad Men, The Walking Dead, and some western I cannot remember the title of it along with now airing episodes of CSI. I do not like that split screen idea either because I want to read and see the credits as the movie ends. If they want to do that split screen then why not do it during commercials? That is how I would do it if I was running a TV station. I agree with you ms-Zanadu on what you are talking about. That is good that you caught UHF on TCM without any interruptions then. COOL about upgrading your cable to FIOS. If I had the money I would be adding some other channels, but I am not rich and I am just a college student who works part time for the federal government trying to make ends meet here on my end. Yes it is better unedited and commercial free all right!

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans!


It is a classic in my opinion to be honest with you. I just watched it last night on THIS TV for the first time in years. No one airs this and the last time I saw it prior to last night was back in the late 80's or early 90's that Comedy Central showed it on their station. It was hilarious to watch!

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans!


Perhaps now RobBase086-1 more channels like TCM and THIS TV ( like you watched the other night ) will hopefully start showing this movie a bit more now that it's a long standing classic . We can only hope ?


You are so correct that possibly more channels like you stated start to show a movie like this or some others as well to watch that would be entertaining indeed. The problem is that now almost every network including AMC has sold out and started to show crime and drama shows along with reality shows as well which I am not a big fan of to be honest with you. I would rather sit and watch a variety of movies to keep myself entertained you know.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans!


So true again RobBase086-1 and like you I don't like today's lineup of mainstream shows just like " Reality TV Shows " ( so not my cup of tea ? - I just can't stand that form of programming for 5 seconds UGH ! lol ) . Just like you I also appreciate a classic variety of movies and shows to keep me entertained . I always loved a show or movie with a good solid storyline to it ( and it's how all television programming should be like even today IMPO ) .


See that is what I am trying to change along with people who loved USA UP ALL NIGHT at the website that I have up that is dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the old programming of USA Network. They knew back then on how to mix programming 15 to 20 years ago. After USA Network sold out to NBC it was around 2003 I saw USA Network go to crap. They sold out to NBC in 1998. That is when I saw how NBC was changing how USA Network does their programming. No it is not my cup of tea either to watch that crap. No wonder a lot of schools complain that the kids are messed up it is due to what they are showing on TV now I think. Yes I would rather see a bit of a little of everything mixed in with some new. I think todays youths would learn to appreciate things a bit more if they watched that. Yes I love shows and movies as well with a good storyline to it all right. Yes that is how todays programming should be done, but it is not though sad to see.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans!


Totally agree with you on all of this RobBase086-1 . I so missed all those " up all night till dawn movie channels " back in the day too . Nowadays and for the last few years before my FIOS I have just watched my own movie marathons via my DVD Collections as a good substitute . As for the network NBC they have had a long standing reputation for making alot of unreasonable snap decisions - cancelling very good shows before it's time ( as far back as the 1980's and even further back too ) , too many commercials in between programming , and of course again that split screen effect at the end credits of every show - just to name a few important things on this . As for the channels USA and SyFy ( which of course we know are owned by NBC I believe ) - IMPO not every TV Show on those channels are of any interest to me either . The only time I ever watch SyFy is for " MERLIN " ( a good entertaining adaption of the old story impo ) on Friday nights or when there is ( the original ) Twilight Zone Marathon on this channel . Also when I watch USA it's only for my favorite show " BURN NOTICE " ( granted this isn't a classic show but it's storyline is an equivalent of one ) . It's sad that the new generation of kids didn't have the imaginative programs as with what we grew up with . IMPO There should be more Retro TV Show type channels today and way less " Reality TV Shows " on every other channel ( I also believe video games are the cause as well but of course that's another separate issue ) . It is very sad it all turned out this way we just have to keep hoping for the best on it I guess .


I am glad that you agree with me on all of this ms-zanadu. I miss being able to catch movies late at night when I would be up late at night and could not sleep. Now instead they have paid programming or other things that just does not interest me at all. They no longer show movies until dawn anymore like they once did. I have tons of DVD's myself that I could watch movies if I so want to. I do from time to time. It all depends though. Yes I have noticed NBC tends to cancel shows when they should not do that. I do not like the commercial breaks in movies like what AMC does now. They even show paid programming for a few hours after 5:00 in the morning. Yes unfortunately NBC owns both USA Network and Syfy Channel as well. That is cool that you only catch MERLIN on SYFY Channel and Burn Notice on USA Network. I think it is a contract obligation of NBC to show the marathons of Twilight Zone because that is what they were showing prior to NBC buying the SYFY Channel out. Yes it is sad that the younger generations are not watching what we grew up on. There are way too many crime and drama shows along with reality shows as well. Yes the video games could be the cause of problems as well because you and I grew up playing Nintendo and prior to Nintendo there was ATARI which I remember playing when I was a kid. I am getting ready to turn 40 here in March. All we can do is not watch the things that a lot of these networks put on and fight for what we believe in so that they will change their programming to what we want to watch. That is all I can say on that.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans!


Thanks RobBase086-1 if you ever want to talk more on this or about classic shows etc. we can chat on Private Message anytime as well . It's been a pleasure and most refreshing chatting with you here on all of this too .


You are welcome ms-zanadu. I will private message you sometime so we can talk more about classic TV shows and movies. That would be great to do all right. Have you checked out my website by chance yet? I was just wondering and thought that I would ask you about it.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans!


Cool RobBase086-1 you have a great website there ! It looks like you put alot creativity into it and some very interesting info on the host celebrities from this show . It is too bad USA Channel no longer airs this show anymore . Total bummer I would watch it if it was still on ( I so missed out on this one didn't get cable TV until 2003 lol ) . Thanks for sharing your website with me and have a good night too .


I am glad that you liked the website! Yes I put time along with the people that helped me to create the website as well. Everyone who joined the website has contributed in many ways because they were fans of the show like I am. Well I wanted to make sure that if someone has never heard of this show learned about it in what they showed late on Friday and Saturday nights. Yes it is a shame that USA Network no longer shows this anymore. COOL That you would watch it if it was still on now. I understand about that. You are welcome for me sharing that with you. I am glad that you enjoyed taking a look at it. Have a good night yourself!

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans!
