Rambo Parody LOL

The Rambo part of this movie is one of the funniest parodies that i have ever seen! It really makes fun of his over the top his skill and invincibility. I love when he catches the bullet with his teeth, then chews in up in his mouth and fires it back at the shooter from his mouth, exploding the man! :) ROFL


Definitely the best parody I've seen in a while. The screaming and blowing up everything reallyw orked for me too.


I love his crazy yell and weird crooked face as he is doing best part I think.

Yeah, but if I don't kill you, what is there to talk about?


I showed this scene to my cousin a few weeks ago, and it's been our running joke ever since, it cracks him up every time.


"I'm your worst nightmare!"

Haha! :D
