MovieChat Forums > UHF (1989) Discussion > Turn DVD Over for More Special Features!...

Turn DVD Over for More Special Features! - What?

Why does the 'Special Features' menu simply show the text of this post's title instead of letting me view 'Behind the Scenes' or 'Production Stills'?

Did they not HAVE those features or what the heck is going on? Is this supposed to be funny?

You don't turn DVDs over, they're not VCR cassettes (video tapes)!

I suppose it -could- be possible to have a 'double-sided DVD', but I have never really heard of existence of those.

So what's going on with the Special Features, why would the menu say that?

Also, what does 'Bonus Materials Are Unrated' mean? Are they sometimes rated??

Kinda annoying to have things in the menu you can never see because of this 'joke'. Oh well, at least we get to see the horrible deleted scenes - wow, they weren't kidding, they're absolutely dreadful.


Many DVD's (in the past,at least) you had to turn over.
Sometimes because the movie was long,sometimes there were fullscreen vs widescreen versions on different sides.

R1 America - MGM Home Entertainment
Extras:SIDE A
* The Film - 1.85:1 Version
Audio commentary with actor/co-writer "Weird" Al Yankovic, co-writer/director Jay Levey, and actors Victoria Jackson, Emo Philips, and Michael Richards
"Behind the Scenes" 1989 featurette (3:40)
"Weird Al" Yankovic: "UHF" music video (4:04)
Production stills (182 images)
Promotional Materials
- Teaser trailer (0:43)
- Theatrical trailer (1:25)
- Posters and Stuff (24 images)

* The Film - 1.33:1 Version
Audio commentary with actor/co-writer "Weird" Al Yankovic, co-writer/director Jay Levey, and actors Victoria Jackson, Emo Philips, and Michael Richards
Deleted scenes (with introductions by "Weird Al" Yankovic) (19:12)
Subtitles:English, French, Spanish
Aspect Ratio:1.85:1
Picture Format:Anamorphic
TV System:NTSC
Soundtrack(s):English Dolby Digital 2.0 surround
French Dolby Digital 2.0 surround
Spanish Dolby Digital 2.0 mono
Case type:Keep Case
Notes:All extras are in English with no subtitles.


It's the same as full screen on one side, widescreen on the other. It's not rocket science. And yet, the bonus features are on the other side of the UHF disc.
