Earth! Fiarrr! Whind! Wataar! Heart!


By your powers combined

Captain Planet, he's our hero,
Gonna take pollution down to zero,
He's our powers magnified,
And he's fighting on the planet's side

Captain Planet, he's our hero,
Gonna take pollution down to zero,
Gonna help him put asunder,
Bad guys who like to loot and plunder

We're the Planeteers!
And you can be one too!
Coz saving our planet is the thing to do!
Looting and polluting
Is not the way
Hear what Captain Planet has to say!

The power is yours!

You'll pay for this Captain Planet!


Can't believe I remember the lyrics after almost 3 decades. That song is scorched onto the canvas of my brain. Even when I'm a senile 90yr old with Alzheimer's I will remember the words. *sigh*

Poor Marty (the guy with the heart ring). He got the short end of the stick.


No, he didn't.
You seem to forget that Ma-Ti could talk to animals and talk to people from afar.


I suppose seeing it from an adult perspective now he had the best power. But as an immature kid you wanna just wanna set everything on FIARR!!! Best power by far back then.


Loved this show as a kid. Captain planet doesn't get the same respect as most super hero's


Absolute classic of a cartoon. For some reason I spent many years believing that Tom Cruise was the voice of Captain Planet. Probably read it in some tabloid magazine and that gave this show that extra bit of cred.


I have to admit I didn't like this show as a kid. And let's face it. The kids almost always were useless with their individual powers and always had to summon him at the end. Though the constant environment sermons were also kind of annoying too.


It was totally environmentalist propaganda and as kids we didn't know it. But it was entertaining at the time. Not sure if I'd wanna revisit the show now as an adult as it would likely spoil the memories I have of it.
