worst show ever

I love Chris Elliot. But this show, is NOT FUNNY


Dude, you're wrong. If you don't like it, it's because your sense of humor is under-developed. Watch a handful of episodes to let it grow.


Yea I know the show is pretty terrible, but I still think it is funny. I even like the Spewy and Me episode.



Yah, this show and chris elliot go hand and hand. I don't see how anyone can say that they like him yet hate this show.


this show was very weird. I distinctly remember watching it, and at first I thought it was THE worst show I had ever seen in my life. incredibly bad, but for some reason I continued to watch it, and found it funny in a sort of very demented way. it was like looking at a train wreck, it was horrible, yet you couldn't look away. it was horrible, yet I found it funny. at least sometimes. the strangest reaction I have ever had to a sitcom. chris elliot is like the friend you had in high school, that was obnoxious and everybody didn't like him, but for some reason you hung around with him cause he was sort of funny and he grew on you a bit. you sort of felt sorry for him cause everybody hated him, even though he was really obnoxious.


>>> this show was very weird. I distinctly remember watching it, and at first I thought it was THE worst show I had ever seen in my life. incredibly bad, but for some reason I continued to watch it, and found it funny in a sort of very demented way. it was like looking at a train wreck, it was horrible, yet you couldn't look away. it was horrible, yet I found it funny. at least sometimes. the strangest reaction I have ever had to a sitcom. chris elliot is like the friend you had in high school, that was obnoxious and everybody didn't like him, but for some reason you hung around with him cause he was sort of funny and he grew on you a bit. you sort of felt sorry for him cause everybody hated him, even though he was really obnoxious.

I liked this post!

It should be against the law to use 'LOL'; unless you really did LOL!




The show was hit or miss, but when it hit, it was pure genius. Unfortuntely there were a few stinker episodes, but there were also plenty of awesome ones too.

The good ones that come to mind are:
Zoo Animals On Wheels
Ancient Indian Burial Ground
Near Death Experience
The Submarine
Wallet Boy


I read your post and so far I saw:

The Submarine (really the name is Neptune 2000)
Zoo Animals on Wheels

both episodes sucked. Since alot of talk was made on this board of the episode with the alien, I watched the Spewey episode, it was another miss. I also saw the first episode "Terror on the Hell Loop 2000".

I remember liking this show when I was younger, it debuted when I was like 8 years old. But apparently it is not hard to impress an eight year old. This show just has a plethora of cornball jokes like most other sitcoms and is totally worth missing. If you want to see a short lived comedy-drama that was actually funny and shamefully canceled before its time check out "Freaks and Geeks".

I remember there was one episode where Sharon and Chris get in an epic fight and Sharon beats the crap out of him, and Chris keeps saying how he knows she really loves him. What episode is that, does anyone know?


What bugs me about people who say stuff like "This movie/show/series is not funny." is that they never provide an example of what is funny to them.

This show is silly funny, like my favourite comedies like Kung Pow! and Not Another Teen Movie.

Its just there for some cheap laughs and Chris Elliot pulls off the lovable idiot....you know, he'd make a good Homer Simpson.

"Sanity Is No Virtue In An Insane World"


"What bugs me about people who say stuff like 'This movie/show/series is not funny.' is that they never provide an example of what is funny to them."

My guess is it would be some kind of intelligence-insulting, cheese-filled sh*tcom along the lines of "Married with Children," or "Golden Girls": ho-hum, assembly-line productions, written by a team of fifty-something, punch-in/punch-out TV writers, spewing out disposable jokes and hackneyed story lines, punctuated by the obligatory canned laughter and sedated audience applause.

OK, so "Get a Life" used canned laughter too. So what? What's your point??? Huh? HUH??? YOU WANNA TANGLE, BUDDY????

OK, bye.


-originally posted by tmcpherrin89-

I love Chris Elliot. But this show, is NOT FUNNY

Well, you're entitled to your opinion (of course). Personally, I think this is one of the funniest, most original TV shows of the past 25 years. And, while I don't usually ascribe a great deal of weight to the "mob rules" mentality (after all, the Backstreet Boys were once the highest-grossing band in the US), this is one of the very few shows that has overwhelmingly favorable (e.g., "Never Jumped") reviews on the JTS website (and those folks are usually BRUTAL with their critiques)...

P.S. I'm legitimately curious: if you don't like this show, what work of Chris Elliot's _have_ you enjoyed?



Hmm, wonder why the reply to my post was deleted (the poster made some pretty salient points, and I don't recall it contained any vulgarity/ad hominum attacks), but I'll reply if he/she'd care to repost it (if not, I'll not be losing any sleep over it :) )





It should have been canceled before the first show aired. And then canceled again before he moved into Gus Borden's garage and Gus was sharpening his axe and all those spiders were love biting Chris. And canceled a third time when he fell out of the plane... No, wait maybe it shouldn't have been canceled that third time.
