Married episode..

Get A Life was a very funny show to me, although it was quite goofy and silly at times.. Chris Elliott is a slap-stick type comedy funny man and he knew just what to do to get the viewers attention. The episode of Married was my favorite episode. Think of the chance of a over 30 paperboy, staying at home with his parents meeting and then better yet marrying Deborah Shelton. Even though it is just a tv show, that still is far-fetched..!

My favorite part of this show is when the two has a disagreement and Chris's neighbor Patti(Lee Garlington) goes over to borrow some "sugar".. She weasels her way in and ends up getting the sugar she was looking for from Chris but it doesn't last long. Nicolette walks in on them, confronts the mistress and gives her a good whuppin Get A Life style.. Classic.. indeed!

Tell me what you thought of this episode and the actors or actresses performances..


Excellent episode ... but then, I enjoy every episode in the series.

My memory is kinda foggy, but it's funny how they were married for, what, like a day?

Oh ... hello, Buster. Here’s a candy bar. No, I’m withholding it. Look at me, “getting off.”
