spelling His name

dammit people: It's Elliott... two "l's", two "t's"

do I have to come over there and bitch slap you until you get it right?!?


Could you please "come over and b*itch slap me?" Until I "get it right?"


(Hi, Thomas.)


I recently converted to Mormacarlinsmskpickitism LLC and the Elders do not allow us to perform the bitch slapping. Not even in a ritualistic way! I am very sorry, check back with me next year when I plan to convert to Bokonism... I'm not sure if they allow the "slapping of the bitch". I will have to check the sacred scrolls of whore-mongering, vol. 1 and 2.

I had a dream last night--what does that mean???


The "slapping of the bitch." Heh heh.



I got what ya need, Katy. The slapping of the cheeks, er.. bitch, I mean, will be done amply, and well. Just "come on over to my place", (sung to the tune of the song with the same name, by Luther Vandross)....
