MovieChat Forums > In Living Color (1990) Discussion > Season 4. Whoa, what happened to the hu...

Season 4. Whoa, what happened to the humor?

S3 is full of classic gold and I'll keep that set, but season 4 I'm selling back to F.Y.E. Now, I'm only at the end of disc 1 but I don't have much hope for the rest of it. I'll skim through but I'm disappointed. Marlon Wayans isn't funny. No Tommy Davidson. Thank goodness Damon came back for some guest appearances. Yes, original regulars were still on but the magic is gone. My fave sketch so far is the one with Tyrone the bum and a homeless drunk lady who could really sing. She was very funny and should have been a regular.


After season 3, that was the beginning of the end. Comedians like Jay Legget, Marc Wilmore and Alexandria Wentworth were just simply not funny. Add in the fact that Kennan and Damon were gone and you have the perfect recipe for disaster. It gets progressively worse to the point that by season 5 the show is nothing more than a shell of its former self and extremely painful to watch...


Kelly Coffield leaving after Season 4 didn't help much ether. Kelly was sort of to ILC to what Phil Hartman was to SNL. They both were multi-versatile performers who were when you really thought about it, the "glue" that held things together.


ILC towards the end seem to rely on skits w/ extremely thin, basic, one-joke premises. It wasn't so much about how absurd and audacious they could get but more about trying to be as vulgar (w/o a real point to it) and offensive as possible.
