Kelly Coffield

Did she leave with the Wayans (season 5) for the same reason as them? Because in the trivia it only lists Kim, Shawn, and Marlon as leaving due to censorship issues. Kelly isn't credited for season 5 (which I haven't seen recently), but she's not in the list of ship-jumpers. What happened exactly?


I did hear that she said the Wayans made the show and when they left, she didn't like the direction that the comedic environment was going, so I suppose she followed them out the door too


I thought that Kelly Coffield's departure was just as hurtful as the Wayans leaving. If Keenen was the brains and captain behind the operation and his siblings were the backbone, then Kelly was the heart and glue. Kelly Coffield to me was sort of to Living Color what Phil Hartman was to SNL. She may have not gotten as much attention or credit as some of her other cast mates (like the Wayans, Jim Carrey, or Jamie Foxx), but she was incredibly versatile and could fit into any scenario you asked.
