MovieChat Forums > In Living Color (1990) Discussion > Fox is so goddam CHEAP, ungh! Any plans...

Fox is so goddam CHEAP, ungh! Any plans for an UNCUT release of ILC?

For Fox to butcher the DVDs on this masterpiece of groundbreaking comedy by omitting sequences containing music that they would have had to pay for the rights to include is just criminal!

You can release the series as it was originally broadcast and performed and I'll buy it; or you can limit your releases to the cheapsh+t CUT versions now on offer and you'll get F' all from me. Fox. Don't get me started.


they could at least release the unaired episodes on dvd at least.


Some of you are too young to remember a black comedian we had in the 70's called Flip Wilson (

Flip Wilson was one of the trailblazers of black comedy on television, and had his own show on NBC for about four years. It was quite possibly the first black variety show on television, and we all tuned in every week to see Flip come on stage in his high heels as "Geraldine," his trademark drag character. It was HILARIOUS. Hunt it down at Netflix or through your LINK+ Inter-Library system (you won't be disappointed). But back to Rupert I'm-A-Cheap-Bastard Murdoch . . .

It isn't like ILC is yet another imitator you categorize as "one of those _____ shows." It's refreshingly original, and its ensemble cast cannot ever be reproduced; so what really kills me is that Fox will release utter sh+t like Greg the Bunny . . . but all these years later it can't manage to press a complete, uncut Collector's Edition of an icon of American Television Comedy.



I watched the Flip Wilson Show regularly when it was on, and he had previously guested on Laugh-In. Funny stuff. First black variety show? Well the Nat King Cole Show first broadcast on NBC back in 1956 was the first black musical variety show.

Flip Wilson's show was a big ratings hit and featured comedy/skits besides singing and dancing acts so probably more variety in it. But Cole's was the real trendsetter though a ratings failure.



i can get past the fact that intro and ending music might be differennt "thankfully it didn't happen with this dvd" but these videos were part of the show! butchering parts of a series is one of the reason pay closer attention to what shows get released on dvd.


Instead they spend money on rights so GLEE can be released on DVD.


It'd be criminal if they released the DVD sets uncut without paying the royalties.

Season 1 was expensive, but does seem by and large uncut.

Later seasons clearly are cut (the music video parodies are obvious examples), and done so to cut down on costs. The parodies were made with the original music, licensed under stricter conditions to save on cost at the time of production.

Personally, I'd pay more for uncut sets but how many actually would?

It's a shame, as the parodied lyrics are their own and are HILARIOUS, but the backing music does need rights clearance... and it could be costly. It's just a guess, but is $60 per season too expensive?
