Tommy Davidson

As some of you may know, Tommy Davidson is from DC, and he actually graduated from my high school, and ended up being the speaker at my HS graduation.

Now, it doesn't seem like he played too many memorable characters (at least not ones whose names jump out at you), but there are a few that are recognizable on sight.

For instance, I just saw an episode with a skit he was in where he played the nutty, possibly hard of hearing chef who was always in the kitchen, bringing up random foods that no customer was asking for.

Does anyone know who that character was? I'm also trying to find some other characters he played so I can mention it to friends.


Hah, I love that character, where he gets the wrong orders. I've had the opportunity to speak to Tommy and he's very nice. Tommy proudly spoke of one his kids attending an Ivy League college. Hope he's coming back to the show!


Do you or anyone else know the name of that character?


The name of the character was "Luther the Chef."



When I think of Tommy Davidson, the first character to come to my mind is Sweet Tooth Jones, the character he played that teaches karate, but always ends up getting beat up. He also did the Funky Finger Productions skit, him and Jamie Foxx trying to hustle people. And I'm not sure if he had a name, but he also played a recurring character that was a waiter/steward on a plane that was very pushy, and always had to "finish the menu" lol.
