Velma Mulholland

Does anyone know how they created the Velma Mulholland skit with Kelly Coffield playing an exagerated film-noir vixen. She was in black-and-white with pops and scratches, yet everything else was in color. I thought they filmed her in front of a green screen, but not only wasn't there a halo surrounding her body, she was grabbing Damon Wayans and the props around her. She had to be in the same shot as everything else.


I know this thread was started several months ago, but I might as well reply in case anyone else is interested. I also always wondered how this effect was achieved, and I finally (sort of) figured it out.

During the closing credits of the blooper episode, they show a clip of Kelly Coffield flubbing her line during a VM sketch. But we actually see it without the black-and-white effect. Her face is painted blue, and her costume and wig are also blue. It seems that this is similar to a blue-screen effect, only she acts as the blue screen (lol). They were able to remove the color from just her and project the added grain and scratches of an old movie onto her.

The full blooper episode is up on YouTube here: Skip to 21:16 to see that clip.

Gene: "There's nothing wrong with Mother Nature."
Steve: "But it's not nice to fool with her."
