'black' comedy

i never saw this show and it looks like the only non black comedian is jim carrey so is there a lot of "ethnic" humor on this or should this appeal to everyone?


It appealed to everyone. The problem is there was a lot of period comedy. If you aren't aware of the event or person being parodied you may not get it. For example, Millie Vanillie.....



The white comedians are Jim Carrey, Kelly Coffield (seasons 1-4), Alexandra Wentworth (seasons 4-5), Carol Rosenthal (season 5), & Jay Leggett (season 5). The Oriental guy is Steve Park. He's married to Kelly Coffield. Alexandra Wentworth is married to George Stephanopoulos.


Yeah usually i dislike "black" comedy, like tyler perry or bernie mack. for some reason the Wayans family from in living colour has a different kind of non gangsta comedy, and honestly the show wouldnt be as funny without jim carrey, and he is white.


many of the skits he wasn't in were just as funny.

Warner Music Group Sucks!


It should appeal to anyone, really... if you have a soft spot for stereotypes. It's all based around stereotypes; black, white, gay, nerdy... you name it, they've got it. And they pushed some boundaries with it.

"Hey, look! There's Whoopi Goldberg with a black guy!"


I just bought In Living Color on DVD and it brings back sweet, nostalgic memories of watching it with my step-siblings on Sunday nights.

"Before you stick the spoon in the pudding, use Cosby Condoms!"

"I hope Mel Gibson's Lethal Weapon is loaded!"

"Homey don't play that!"

The Star Trek spoof, The Wrath of Farrakhan, was funny. Jim Carrey does a killer William Shatner impersonation.

