Janine Turner

Do you think her politics were different when she worked on this show?


Huh? What are her politics now?


I've heard she's full right-wing lunatic fringe, but I've never looked into her politics myself. Why would I care about her politics.


I agree, her politics shouldn't matter. But I've encountered many people who won't watch something simply because of the alleged politics of an actor in it.


Lunatic, right-wing Jesus freak.
From what I have read, she has always been a Conservative, but like all other Wingnuts, she didn't start flapping her lips about it actively until Trump.

From a now-erased blog post on her personal website :

"I have had to listen to it for years, on sets, at dinners, in rehearsals, in the make-up chair, at award ceremonies. I have had to sit back and hear the judgmental, hot, mostly uninformed and biased rants of the Hollywood liberals breath down my neck and suffocate the air from the room. Usually, the rant was so hostile, I was afraid to speak up, or it was so ridiculous, I thought it futile to reply. The liberal Hollywood elite, who stand firmly on their right to be heard, their right to express, their right to persuade through art – blatantly and arrogantly deny that same freedom, that same right to anyone who may disagree with them. And like most liberals, they cannot see it and/or refuse to deviate from denial.

I sat through many ceremonies, and one Emmy ceremony in particular that was embroiled with one anti-conservative, anti-Republican remark after another. I remember sitting slumped in my chair just counting the moments until I could be released from the lion’s den. There I was – a captive to their point of view and solely their point of view. I was a hostage, like the American populace is a hostage, to the slick, slanderous and seductive permeation of the liberal agenda.

I couldn’t wait to leave Hollywood. I always felt like I was in a bubble when I lived there or that I was swirling around, being buffeted about, in a stifling, tropical snow globe. It was like that fabulous Jim Carey scene where he was in a boat and beating on the sky, on the set of the world, wanting to get out. I don’t remember the movie… but I remember the scene and the feeling it invoked.

Hollywood. They think America is inherently bad. They think America is an embarrassment. Yet they are gorging themselves on the American dream.



"Hollywood,the surreal world, the pretend world, the ironic world where free enterprise, their show business, is displayed, executed and embraced in a riveting way - yet the inhabitants regurgitate on capitalists. Hollywood, where stars, movie producers, writers and agents actively seek glamour, money, power and fame. They unabashedly embrace fast cars, facelifts and fly in private jets. They drink fine wines and insist on free spirits and are the ultimate connoisseurs who insist on living liberty at large.

They deplore censorship. Yet, they embrace tyrants such as Hugo Chavez. They annihilate Wall Street. Yet, they run to see how many millions their movies have grossed. They think ObamaCare works nicely for those poor people in the “fly over states.” Yet, they demand only the top doctors for themselves. They live lush. Yet, they ignore debt. What debt? They think Socialism is a nicety whose time has come – yet, not for them.

If you build it, they will come. Imagine the collapse of Hollywood’s playground. Imagine the free fall of their financial field. Imagine the march of despotism on their freedom of speech. Imagine the strangling of their rights and riches.

They would howl like a lone wolf in a western. They would beg like Scarlett O’Hara. They would scream like the Wicked Witch of the West. However, instead of screaming, “I’m melting, I’m melting.” They would scream, “Not me! Not me!”

There you go. Draw your own conclusions .


Wow that was well said. Perfect and so true.


Thanks for posting that. She was always hot, this makes her even hotter.


She is just full of sour grapes because Hollywood/TV didn't want her when she was finished with NX. So she tried to date some more famous men to draw publicly/jobs, and then when that didn't work, she got herself pregnant by the son of the owner of the Dallas Cowboys so she could have a steady stream of dat cash.

...WAIT, WHAT was that? The Jesus freak who chastises everyone else's so-called un-Christian behavior on her social media got pregnant out of wedlock?! That is definitely against Christian edicts! What a hypocrite.

Gross. You must love bug-eyed, dead-eyed, Swiss-cheese-brained, talent-bereft Stepford ex-debutantes. That surely is an aesthetic to be proud of!


Boy, is she bitter! Neither did Hollywood want her before NX. I just googled her bio and realize I knew her in the 1980s when she was hired to replace the very popular actress Genie Francis on General Hospital. Demi Moore was hired to play her sister at the same time. Turner's performance was lackluster (zero charisma; boooring as f+++) and she was quickly fired while Moore took-off with an expanded starring role until she eventually left for a successful movie career.


There you go. And for decades the utterly delusional Turner is left clinging to some pipe dream of an NX reboot, and trying to hang on to relevancy by putting out a Christian yoga DVD (she named it "Christoga"- must've taken her hours on the toilet deep in thought to figure out a name for that one), begging her way into some low-budget TV movies, and starting some committee "aimed at educating American adults and students about the non-partisan relevancy of the U.S. Constitution".


She's right.


Ooooh, intriguing argument! Looks like when it comes to her and you, we may have a couple of birds of a feather here.


She sounds perfectly rational and reasonable. She's just telling the truth. The actual, one-and-only truth, meaning that which corresponds with reality.


That seems to be the problem with folks like you and her. You have such a hard time discerning the concepts of truth and reality.


"The world conforms to your perception of reality"


If you're going to work in an industry that leans left, you shouldn't be surprised when your coworkers are hostile to non-leftist ideas.


There is deep-seeded reason for her over-compensating self-righteousness. I won't speculate, but her behavior is typical when people externalize their grief by projecting it onto other groups of people, whether they be an ethnic one, a political party, or a nation. It's not just with Whitewingers like her, but also Leftists who gravitate towards cults of personalities.


Nowadays she even looks like a loon.
