Dreadful English Accent

I think Superfanny'’s 2006 post was spot on. In fact, I came to this site just to find out the name of the actress doing the dreadful English accent.

Nancy Travis'’s is one of the two worst I’ve ever heard. The other is Sigourney Weaver’'s in ‘The Year Of Living Dangerously’.

I absolutely cannot believe most of the replies to Superfanny'’s post defended Travis. Those repliers must have something wrong with their hammer, anvil & stirrup bones.

Of course, Weaver is one of the worst actresses of all time. I’ll guess I’ll be adding Travis to that list & my list is the law.


When I first saw this film I actually thought Nancy Travis WAS English. I was surprised when I found out she was American.

I watched this again today though and it's not as bad as some actresses' English accent (Thora Birch's in The Hole was horrendous) but I can now tell it's fake as the American accent creeps in.

Justice for the 96
-15th April 1989



Her 'English' accent in this sequel was a vast improvement on the first film.

"The Opener of the Way is Waiting"


I'm English, and I thought Nancy did very well with the accent.


I agree. I'm also English and I still can't believe Nancy Travis is American.

I actually think it's a great English accent because she adds a slight Northern lilt. It's not a generic posh London voice which is what most American actresses (i.e. Gwyneth Paltrow) tend to do.


When I first saw this film I actually thought Nancy Travis WAS English. I was surprised when I found out she was American.

Ditto. Of course, I was a child when I first saw these films, so of course I wasn't anywhere near as discerning as I would be now, but I think Nancy Travis did just fine with her English accent. I've heard far worse.


Sorry, my opinion is the Law.

I don't know why imbd took out my apostrophes, tho. That's Travis's & Weaver's.


The accent was very good but there was something grating about it.

Its that man again!!


I'm english and she sounded very english to me, middle class english so well spoken

Meat is murder



The paragon is Jennifer Ehle in "Pride and Prejudice"
