Sylvia Was Being Selfish

She kept going on and on about what her and Mary needed, but yet she didnt hesitate about moving to England to marry Edward and taking Mary away from the guys. Speaking of that what gave her the right to do that? Taking her away from the guys especially her biological father? Why didnt Jack fight back? Peter hit it right on the nose when he said Sylvia was selfish.

Zivas turning in circles. Either the trails gone cold, or shes about to mark her territory-Tony


Well, in a way, she was being selfish by taking Mary away from the guys, but as she explained during the poker scene, she felt that raising Mary in a home with three fathers was confusing for Mary, and that she'd be better in a different environment. At the time, Sylvia thought Edward would be a good family man.

Jack didn't fight Sylvia on taking Mary to England because he (as well as Michael and Peter) wanted Sylvia to be happy and didn't want to stand in her way. Aside from that, for a while they thought they were better off as bachelors - they only realized after their attempt at throwing a party that their lives had changed, and that they'd rather be dads than bachelors.

Sylvia probably also thought that announcing her plans to marry Edward would force Peter's hand and that he would finally admit how he felt about her, so she wouldn't have to go anywhere. Unfortunately, Peter didn't fess up, so she gave up on him (per her mother's advice) and decided to take what she saw as her only chance at happiness.


I still say she was being selfish and Jack should have fought for custody of Mary.

Kate: What do you need 2 Bs for?
Gibbs: Second ones for bastard


I felt like she was being selfish, especially when she raised here Mary with three guys. I can understand if she wanted a good life for her daughter but I couldn't fathom her wanting or considering sending Mary away to school.



I agree. She remained true to form, hiding behind Mary while making herself her primary focus. I'm glad Peter reminded her of how selfish she truly is.

"When I say, 'Whoa!' I mean, 'Whoa!'"
(Blaznee, "Spaced Invaders")


She was selfish in the first one too. Leaving her baby for months, then just coming back and saying that she was taking her away from these three men that have looked after her and bonding with her, and swanning off half way across the world. Peter was right to point out her selfishness when they had that argument and she called him selfish. I never liked her character throughout both films.


I was just about to post the same comment! Did the OP watch the first movie? She was always selfish.
