MovieChat Forums > 3 Men and a Little Lady (1990) Discussion > WORDS LIKE SCHDULE AND VITIMINS


There is a scene in this movie where two of the men upon arriving and driving through England start rambling about how they how hate how the English use words like "schdule" and "vitimins" (pronouncing it in the ridicoulous American way) Where do they get off making fun of how the ENGLISH speak the ENGLISH language?!?!? Its crazy! The Americans are speaking the English language so how do they think their way of pronouning the words is correct!

I am Irish so to be honest i don't give a toss about the Brits but even i can say that as bad as the Brits are thinking they invented evrything the Americans are 10 times worse!


It wasn't meant in nasty way, i'm English and didn't take offence.


I'd rather you spelt the words correctly before complaining about the pronunciation.


In case I don't see you ; good afternoon, good evening and good night!


That's Americans for you!!!

If it wasn't for the England, then where else would America have used it's place names??? You take any place on the map of England and you will most probably find an American eqivilent. Birmingham, Bristol, (New) York, & (New) Hampshire to name just a few, There's even a (New) England!!!

And as for their spelling! Try asking an American to spell words like Colour and Neighbour and what happens? They mysteriously lose the U!!

As for the middle of something, it's C-E-N-T-R-E not C-E-N-T-E-R!!!

I'll trade with anyone who has a jaccuzzi!!!!


I think I vouch for all Americans when I say that we changed "centre" to "center" because the former also parallels the French spelling. We try to distance ourselves from the French whenever possible, even if traditional English words must suffer as collateral damage. This theory also explains why "bangers and mash" has never fallen into favor (favour?) here... it sounds too much like the French counterpart, "les bangeurs et mash."



I agree 100% with the OP. This scene really annoyed me. I wasn't offended, I just thought it was unecessary.


indeedy . i cant say i was offended , it takes more than a movie to offend me ,however it is slightly annoying. i mean we actually speak properly . its our language . Americans just put their own spin on things because they like to be different , then say WE are weird. The worst one is aluminium LOL. They dont even pronounce it like its spelt . They say aluminum or something like that :\


For the record, there was this whole thing called the great vowel shift. So that english language you claim to be yours and this implied permanence to the way it has been spoken is a little off. Languages change over time, man. Sure we took words and spell/pronounce them differently. You aren't using english the same way what does that say about you? Ignorant, maybe?


I'm British and I wasnt offended. American movies often go down this road when they talk about the English. I dont think we are much better when it comes to discussing how yanks talk.

"What, you don't like rice? Tell me Michael, how could a billion Chinese people be wrong?"


I think the movie was making fun of the American guys as much as the English people - like when Peter assumes they'll be in black tie because he's seen 'Brideshead Revisited', or when they look at the armour and say something crass.
