
Haven't seen the movie in a while, so this might be a dumb question. Does anyone know what happened to Rebecca from the first movie? I mean, I know this one was centered around Peter and Sylvia, but why? Why couldn't Rebecca be around? Too much confusion in that already crazy full-house lifestyle? I liked Rebecca and Peter much more than I liked Peter and Sylvia. Anyone else agree?


They seemed much more in love i guess.

I was thinking that too the other day i am still trying to figure out.

I don't know i guess Rebecca wanted to stay on with her career and didn't want to move away or liked her area or they just called it off.
Maybe she didn't want to move in with Peter, sylvia, mary, and the boys.
So i don't know really.


Peter and Rebecca were seing other people so I would not call that a comitted relationship, plus they had the rule in the second movie about bringing birds back.

"Listen there's something I should tell you..she's um..."
Bartender -the Crying Game


Yeah thats true forgot about that and seen it a million times ha ha ha.
I think he started to like Sylvia coz he couldn't bring any Birds back, he wanted to after the party though and he was talking to this bird can't think on my feet so don't remember the name right now...
Anyways he could have quite possibly got her if he didn't mortify himself with that Song.


Also the fact that if you watch Three Men and a Baby closely you can tell that their relationship is on it's last legs. Just little things like the fact Rebecca does not stand with Peter when he blows his candles out, the fact she leaves early, the fact that she has no interest or concern at all when Mary arrives. And also the fact that they are in an open relationship ie she brings her 'date' along when Peter is desperate for a little help.


I think Rebecca and Peter were "friends with benefits" at best. It was pretty obvious to me they weren't at all committed to or in love with each other, so it's no wonder she didn't stay in the picture. I'm glad Peter ended up with Sylvia, I they were much more bonded to each other and I never liked Rebecca anyway, she seemed like a snob.
