Did I imagine this scene?

3 Men and a Little Lady was on TV recently, so I watched it because the horse I used to ride when I was a little kid was in the movie - as I recall. I was probably 9 or 10 when I saw this movie last. I can clearly remember a scene where Mary was riding Pasha (a beautiful white / grey Arabian horse), and Sylvia was leading her, but I didn't see that scene when it was on TV recently. More than likely it was cut for time, but then I wasn't sure that I didn't just dream up the whole thing, ya know. Does anyone know if that scene is in there?

I just didn't want to go and rent the movie and sit through it all if it wasn't.

Gilmore Girls Gifts http://www.cafepress.com/3cheekymonkeys/1957546?pid=6662104


I've seen this movie more than once, and I don't ever recall seeing Mary on the horse at all. If I'm wrong, please correct me, but I believe I am right on this.


Never (Sorry)
I had it on Video and taped it off Tv when the copy went bad so i could get a new one and i never seen it EVER.
Even on SKY it comes on quite abit and i've never seen it sorry.


You didn't imagine it. I remember seeing it on ads for the film when it came to the cinema back in 91 but it was never included in the actual film so it was probably a cut scene. I was actually watching the film this morning and thought about that scene aswell. Hope this helps :)



Thanks for all the responses. I mentioned it to a friend of mine yesterday, and she vaguely remembers the scene. She thinks that she still has it on tape, so she's going to dig it out for me.

3 cheeky little monkeys http://www.cafepress.com/3cheekymonkeys?pid=6662104


Think it was a cut scene that appeared in the trailer, here the scene is:

