Two Socks Death Scene

I have no problem with the length of time the scene goes on. The audience should be revolted at the way the devoted companion of Dunbar was killed. But the result of letting viewers see so much has been that many just skip over the scene which makes it lose its impact, especially if someone has only heard what it contains and so skips over it. I feel that editing of the scene should be done where you do not see so much of Two Socks suffering and struggling. Yes, some needed to be shown but too much was shown. I'd rather they fix it to where you mostly see Dunbar's reaction to what is happening.


I thought the scene played out very well as is
I too was broken hearted to see Two Socks get shot down...he was a good lone wolf for sure


Well, they could leave a version of the film as it is, but for those who are sensitive and need less detail they could release an edited version


We should probably provide helmets for the very sensitive sorts...we wouldn't want them getting hurt!


Lol yep if someone is easily offended by death and suffering then this film should just be skipped over.


I thought the scene was too contrived. Having the whites kill the wolf, the movie was trying too hard to villainize the whites so that we cheer for the Indians at the river. Really, most people aren't so bad that they will shoot an innocent wolf for no reason. And even if some people tried to shoot the wolf that way, somebody would've stepped in and said stop.

Again - I felt the wolf's death scene was a try-hard attempt to villainize the white man. The horse death played a similar role.


People can be so vicious as to shoot an animal.


People managed to shoot down between 30 and 60 million buffalo in a 20-year period. Most for sport or because they were in the way.
