A bit young...

Nicole's a tad young to be a doctor isn't she? Oh well, I guess they make up for it by making her completely unprofessional and irresponsible.
Actually, I'm not sure I've ever seen a doctor under about 40 that had so much time off work, either.
"It's only a movie... It's only a movie..."


well you're actually right. she was 22 when they made this movie and from her birth date had just turned 23 at the movies release. in real life this is the age she would still have a couple more years of med school....

but they made her seem older than she was in the film. she could have passed for someone in her late 20s...


Yeah she sucked in this total vanity casting


she was 22 when they made this movie and from her birth date had just turned 23 at the movies release. in real life this is the age she would still have a couple more years of med school....

Depends on which country she studied in. In Britain she'd have started at 18 and graduated at 23.


The London Olympics, Days of Thunder-style: http://tinyurl.com/bbbkfxf


I didn't see many movies then but I used to watch the shows like Entertainment Tonight and Siskel & Ebert,so I can tell you that when the movie came out, Kidman and the movie were the subject of ridicule by the press and critics because of her age and her overall miscasting.

So, you're not alone in your sentiments.


that and she happily rides a motorbike without a helmet!


She is not too young, she is way to hot to be a doctor. I have never seen a doctor or nurse like her.


She was horribly miscast acting and looks wise. She was too young, Cruise just wanted to bone her.


She was horribly miscast acting and looks wise.
No she wasn't. She's fine in the part.
Cruise just wanted to bone her.
What's wrong with that?


She was horribly miscast acting and looks wise. She was too young, Cruise just wanted to bone her
Seems like a sensible enough casting decision to me.

The female mind is, after all solely tuned to being self-serving - rjfme




Maybe the character is a genius. Have you never heard of 11 year old children graduation from college?


Stop thinking that everything has to be cookie cutter or that you HAVE to be (x)in order to do (y).


Age aside, it's easy to see why Cole thinks he's being pranked again when he lays eyes on Kidman's character. She's got nothing on the girl who fooled Cole earlier in the movie, though.

Hey there, Johnny Boy, I hope you fry!
