5.3 rating wtf?????

this movie has a 5.3 rating ? people are so biased, as a movie its perfect, not too slow, not too fast, character development, story arc, action.

this deserves a rating of 7 atleast (overall)

This is YOUR LIFE and it is ending one minute at a time!


I agree with you, I liked the movie, it definitely deserves a better rating. I'd give it 8 out of 10. I first saw it years ago when I loved Nascar as a kid, I'm not too into the sport now but when I got this movie recently on Dvd, I still thought is was a pretty decent movie. Cheesy 80's feel yes, but it was still 1990 and alot of movies were like that. I'd say if you're a Tom Cruise fan you'll probably like it, or if you like Nascar you might pick at the unrealistic things that happen, but you should still enjoy the movie.


Definitely a 10/10!!!

The Prestige is the best film of 2006 and Jessica Alba is the most beautiful woman EVER!!!


THis movie was well over a 6.0 before Cruise started acting nutty in public. 5.3 simply reflects anti-Cruise bias. Another problem with the IMDb rating system.


I'm surprised it was even as high as 5.3. That's more than generous.



sure Cruise might be a little off on the way the public view him with his 'religion' etc etc but i still enjoy his movies as overall he's one of my favorite actors.

i think 'Days of Thunder' is one of his better older movies (older movies = Early 1990's or older) ... overall i give it a 7/10.


I watched it just last night - and I loved it. After seeing the video (show me heaven) that had some clips of the film, I wanted to see it. So, I borrowed it from a friend. And I'm glad I did. I gave it an 8/10.

Just comes to show that some people instantly give films a 1 or a 2 if they don't like it, while I think giving marks that low are just surreal. The lowest one I've ever given was a 4, I think. (but I haven't seen many bad films, luckily!!)

''Cake or death?''
''Cake, please.''
''Thanks for flying Church of England.''


Im going to asume your joking. Character development, 23 year old Nicole Kidman as a nuerosurgeon !!! Ive never laughed so hard. A movie ONLY nascar fan could love.


NASCAR and Tom Cruise in the same movie? I'd rather lick Mickey Rourke's sweaty backside than watch this drivel again.


It's pretty good for an 80s movie. Most of them are pretty cheesy.


Good plot lots of action and although it was made in '90 it has 80's nostalgia points (the dated hair styles and sunglasses). Negatives - it's got Tom Cruise in it, and it's about nascar racing (gratuitous waste of precious oil so trailer park rednecks can cum in their pants).


It was pretty bland...for Nascar fans only i guess...

ps. I think John C Reilly stole the slingshot idea from this movie and used it on 'Talladega Nights', Trivia!


3.3 would be more appropriate, this movie is an insult to stock-car racing and it's fans

"if seagal was thinner this could have been a theatrical product."


I consider myself both a die-hard NASCAR fan and film enthusiast.

I can accept the action as not being completely realistic to NASCAR. Movies are fantasy; it's an illusion.

I guess my biggest beef would be that perhaps it feels somewhat generic and commercial at times, being the "sequel" to Top Gun of sorts........but there's a lot to like about this film.

Tom Cruise is one of this generation's greatest stars, and I'll gladly fight tooth and nail with anyone who disagrees. Great to see him work with another screen legend, Robert Duvall. There's a lot of fun and wit in the script. And I think the action scenes are exciting, along with a memorable score from Hans Zimmer. Director Tony Scott has a pretty good eye. As an example, I point to the scene where Duvall is in the garage, talking to the car, building it from the ground-up. Then it cuts to the car, sitting on pit road, ready to race. There's a lot of love in the camera work. Really enjoy this particular part of the film.

I'd give it a 7/10.....a solid summer action-type blockbuster movie.


3.3 would be more appropriate, this movie is an insult to stock-car racing and it's fans

How do you insult rednecks?


White people are fair game, don't you know.


5.3 is just right, methinks.
