Cheesiest Entrance Ever

Coming in on that motorcycle and wearing dusters. LOL Good way to get yanked off the bike by your own wheels. The whole macho BS schtick, then acts like a dominated puppy once Rowdy speaks. I like Tom Cruise and this movie, but some things you have to roll your eyes at.


Rowdy: Who is this driver?

Cue the Top Gun music....

Here comes Tommie C, roaring around the bend on a fatty motorcycle, and then amazingly emerging from some fog or smoke, that wasn't there just a second ago.

Wearing a full-length duster coat like an assassin in The Matrix, a jeans jacket underneath that, Ray Bans, leather gloves, and a leather duffel bag that contains his racing clothes and helmet....yet wears no motorcycle helmet so as not to obscure the hair.

Pure 80's cheeze, pure Tom Cruise cheeze....


How can you not love that entrance?


Because, contrary to popular opinion, I am NOT the Scarecrow from The Wizard of Oz... I have a brain. All kidding aside... it IS a good cheesy movie. I enjoy watching it, but some things just get under the skin sometimes. I think, that no matter how much we loved the 80's, some things are just TOO cheesy.


Give the movie a pass for the entrance dude. If it were real life then it would definitely be cheesy.



If you could comprehend simple written English, you'd know that I DID give the movie a pass. I'm one of those macho shltheads they aimed the movie at... but I'm quite a bit older now, and we have IMDB boards to air our grievances now! LOL Everything I said, I said with tongue firmly planted in cheek. The reason I said anything about it, is that I fell for that shlt when I was younger, and now I can see how stupid and cheesy I and these movies are/were.
Another problem with movies like this... some DO believe this is real life. You should read some of the fanboy shlt written on these boards about how cool things like this are, like they LIVE in these fantasy worlds. I love giving fanboys a lot of jazz about taking this shlt so seriously, like it's real.


ok sounds good



A little cheese is good. Hell, every movie--no matter how "real" the subject matter is--is a fantasy anyway, so why not. But at some point in the mid-90s the cheese had been laid on a bit too thick for too long, and because for every action there is an equal an opposite reaction, they took *all* of our cheese away. Now, after a decade plus of zero cheese, I miss it. And you know what? I'll take dramatic entrances and montages set to hard rock music over today's over-stylized action and naval-gazing heroes. The latter are no less cheesy, they're simply less fun.

We have a new enemy. Fluke Skywalker...


The whole movie is like a cliche parody. It is a complete joke. I can't even stand to watch it and I'm a huge racing fan.


Well there you go. I'm not a racing fan, but I can live with it.

I'm pretty sure Tony Scott was intending the audience to have flashbacks to Top Gun with the entrance.
