Top Gun on wheels?

You got this guy who's the best but not the very best cause he's cocky and has a few lessons to learn. He meets a girl who brings with her sort of a conflict of interest as she is also the doctor used by NASCAR (or something like that). In the end he comes through for his nemesis and becomes his "wingman" and wins the race. What's funny is Tom Cruise gets credit for creating this story which probably entered his consciousness while racing cars and thinking about "Top Gun". Admittedly I loved this movie in 1990 when it came out but I know a little more now and realize what a bunch of cliche'd gimmicks this movie supports itself on.


All of that plus the music is exactly the same.


I think not.



I agree with you on this. I have referred to this movie as "Top Gun II" for years.


I heard when the movie came out, they really referred to this as "TOP CAR". Funny, too. ;)


I heard when the movie came out, they really referred to this as "TOP CAR". Funny, too. ;)


Yeah, I was watching this with my brother one summer afternoon when it dawned on me about a 1/4 of the way through, "This is Top Gun with race cars, isn't it?"


I think anyone that has watched both of these films soon realises this fact that days of thunder is very similiar to top gun except for that fact that there is no planes in this film.


Watched some of this tonight and turned it off; too boring for me. Top Gun was much better, imo, but I don't care for NASCAR that much to begin with. :P
