MovieChat Forums > Days of Thunder (1990) Discussion > My racing buddy wont even watch it

My racing buddy wont even watch it

makes him sick to his stomach. he is a real driver, races real cars, and says this whole movie is cheese. even down to the names. my friend makes a funny face every time he says 'what a stupid name. cole trickle'


i love the movie, but i am not a race driver.

are there any real drivers or real fans who DO love this movie?

is this movie only for NON-NASCAR people?


I am a fan who liked this movie....what makes it cheesy is the love relationship between Kidman and Cruise...and some of the cheesy repeated lines Cruise says...Funny thing about the name Cole Trickle....there was an actual NASCAR Winston Cup Driver named "Dick Trickle" driving when this film was being made....this movie at the time was the first "real" drama film about NASCAR as a whole....there where even cheesier films in the 70's and 80's..."Six Pack"..."Stroker Ace" and a semi bio pic about the first black Nascar driver Wendell Scott...played by Richard Pryor called "Greased Lighting"...but actual drivers and anouncers where is this well as actual race footage....the sad thing is this story was based on real life rags to riches...a cocky driver west coast driver "Tim Richmond" (RIP)...a used car dealer "Rick Hendrick" and a well respected but nearly washed up Vet crew cheif "Harry Hyde" (RIP)....and for a time the foldgers #25 was tearing up the tracks..until Tims Sickness....

Some will say its cheesy...and yes it has its parts...but if you look behind'll see a story of courage,strength and honor.....


yeah i remember dick trickle. i forgot about that

that is interesting about the based on real life. i didnt know that!! thanks.


The scenes where Harry says "We're eating ice cream" and when he tells Cole to go out and hit the pace car are both things that the real Harry Hyde said to Benny Parsons and Buddy Baker respectively.

Also, the scene where the head of NASCAR sits Cole and Rowdy down and lectures them about their driving and how the sport will go on without them is based on a real life event as well. Bill France Jr. summoned Dale Earnhardt and Geoff Bodine to Daytona and gave them a similar speech because they had tangled on the track a number of times. If memory serves, he also wanted them to go out to dinner together as well.


seattlelovemonger states...this movie at the time was the first "real" drama film about NASCAR as a whole.

What about "Last American Hero." Jeff Bridges wonderful performance as Junior Jackson. Pretty good flick.



I'm a massive NASCAR fan and a big movie fan and I like this film. Honestly I don't think it gets the credit it deserves.

The film has some of your basic cheesy/commercial elements that Jerry Bruckheimer is known for. Obviously it's not completely realistic and true to NASCAR - but it's a movie, and movies are escapism - I can accept that the action is exaggerated for excitement. There's the negatives, now on to the positives...

Robert Towne is a great writer, and there's some good lines and enjoyable moments in the film. It's not completely brainless. In particular, I like the relationship between Cole Trickle and Harry's a pleasure seeing Tom Cruise and Robert Duvall work together in this film. And the action (even if it's exaggerated) is very well-shot. Tony Scott does have an eye for action - for all the cheese in 'Top Gun,' the aerial scenes in that film with the fighter planes are fantastic. This time it's racecars. Hans Zimmer also provides a great memorable score.




I'm a fan, and until recently worked in NASCAR. I like this movie. Yes, it is mostly cheese. But it's a good story, well told, and has plenty of action in it.

I've got a strong urge to fly,
but I've got nowhere to fly to.


Nice Floyd signature. Great song!

There's still nobody home.....


This is my favorite movie. I saw it in the theater when I was 3. My favorite phrase when I was little was 'wace caw' so he took me to see it and I've loved it ever since.

If you smell something's probably you!!!


I have nostalgic memories of this movie as well. As bad as it sounds, this movie got me into car racing. My taste has since matured and i don't think this movie will ever break the top250 here or anywhere. But this is a fun movie that i still enjoy today.

Don't take it too seriously and you won't have to think about it. just enjoy it.

Live Life Like you plan to Die


I have lost count of how many times I've watched this film, but I can still enjoy it every time.
When I was working with racing cars, specifically the non-defunct ASCAR (ASA chassis with then-known-as-Busch-Series-now-Nationwide engines, for anyone interested) championship in the UK, we used to watch this film, without fail, every night before a test or a race. It was our ritual. The next morning, everyone in the team would try to include 'Days of Thunder' dialog into every conversation, including the drivers, even on the radio back to us in the pits.
