What a great quote!

My little brother and I have been reciting a Rowdy Burns quote since that movie came out. It occurs before Cole wins his 1st race. When Rowdy sees that Cole is aiming to take him around the edge he remarks:

"The boy ain't got the balls to pass me on the outside"


I'm cracking up just typing this!!!


Come to think of it, that line IS pretty damn funny.


Surely the funniest quote has to be:

"Harry Hogge: All right. While we're still under a caution, I want you to go back out on that track and hit the pace car.
Cole Trickle: Hit the pace car?
Harry Hogge: Hit the pace car.
Cole Trickle: What for?
Harry Hogge: Because you've hit every other goddamned thing out there, I want you to be perfect."


haha yes. i love the rowdy charachter...
"nobdy in my family goes to the doctor unless hes dying"


It is indeed a funny line.


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I've always been preferable to:

"Wheeler knocked me into Gant. Gant spun out!"
