MovieChat Forums > Days of Thunder (1990) Discussion > Why does Harry get so mad?

Why does Harry get so mad?

Before the final race, when Cole (Cruise) is questioning Harry (Duvall) about the controvertial death of his previous driver Buddy, Cole asks "How was buddy actually doing in the race?" At this, Harry loses his temper and they start fighting. Does anyone know why? What does Harry think Cole is implying that gets him so mad?


I have always wanted to know why/what the story is with this scene too.



Harry thinks that Cole is implying that Harry got Buddy killed. Its actually straight forward. Harry was the one who stated that Buddy died because of a heart attack to console Buddy's son. In the argument with Cole he said that Buddy was alive and well and was sounding quite energetic (so it couldn't have been the Carbon monoxide that got to Buddy). Do note that Harry had always tried to keep the investigation under cover.

What happened was exactly what Harry got Cole to do as well. A maneuver thats very risky (normally never recommended) except in a situation where its either that move or defeat. Harry had asked Buddy to do something that tested his car and Buddy's skills to the max but unfortunately for Buddy, he doesnt make it. Cole on the other hand manages to.

Its really about when Harry is confident enough in his driver and knows what his driver is capable of, he pushes his driver to get satisfaction that this driver did this in the car HE made.




Thats a very interesting take on this.

I have always, on numerous times watching the movie, thought it was that Cole was asking before he died how was buddy actually doing in the race.

Meaning he was asking was Buddy doing well in the race. Thus, because everyone said Cole and Buddy were similar drivers, and if Buddy was doing well at Daytona it would be justifying Coles wish to race again at Daytona for Rowdy.

Which was why (i presumed) Duvall twigged onto this implication of him wanting to race again and got angry and said if you get back into that race car you will die.


Here's how I see it....

Harry avoids investigation into Buddy Bretherton's death because he blames himself for letting Bretherton get into the car. As Harry explains, Buddy heard "ghosts" telling him to get out of the car. He wasn't in the right frame of mind to be a competitive race car driver, much like Cole after his accident. Thus Harry refuses to let Cole drive.

When speaking of Buddy Bretherton, Harry gloats about his driving abilities, saying he did things in the car that were unbelievable and that showed Harry what he'd done.

When Cole asks Harry how Buddy was actually doing in the Daytona race before he hit the wall, Cole is presumably being a smart ass because Buddy wasn't doing well since Buddy presumably lost his competitive edge.

And then of course Cole pleads with Harry to trust him and let him be the one to show Harry what he's done. Cole's relationship with Harry is one of trust. Cole's relationship with Claire is one of character - Claire is the one who makes Cole confront himself and his own fears, and thus allow him to conquer them. They're both integral to Cole's ultimate success.

I'm sure this is more than anyone has ever analyzed 'Days of Thunder,' but fvck it.


I always thought Cole was implying that Buddy purposely wrecked the car because he was doing poorly in the race possibly due to fear. This is the same thing Cole does in Atlanta where he intentionally blows his engine because he is afraid and thus performing poorly. Also, in a deleted scene, Harry says "...a driver gets his bell rung and a couple of lights flicker. He loses what he needs more than his eyesight; more than his reflexes; more than anything else in the world. He loses his need; the need to drive right out there on the ragged edge." This leads me to believe he had seen the same issue with Buddy as he had later seen with Cole and is worried he will suffer the same fate.


off topic i know but i have to add this

"I'm sure this is more than anyone has ever analyzed 'Days of Thunder,' but fvck it."

Atleast this movie comes from when for the most part directors and writers cared for what they put out as opposed to now adays they all just recycle and sh!t out every script that comes there to say that people shouldt look into is dumb cause this movie will have way more meaning and deeper thought into it than say fast and the furious or talladega nights soo id say just keep that in mind
