MovieChat Forums > Days of Thunder (1990) Discussion > Days of Thunder Drinking Game

Days of Thunder Drinking Game

Hey everyone - I'm looking for suggestions for rules for a Days of Thunder Drinking Game!

Ideas so far include:
1. More than 1 shade of neon on screen
2. Mullets!
3. Crashes
4. Trucker hats
5. "Drop the Hammer"
6. "Rubbin' is racin'"

Let's get some more!


how about everytime Tom "i know how to fix post natal depression because i'm pregnant" Cruise looks in the mirror and says "Gee, you really are a beauty" you take a drink. You'd be wasted in no time. It's why he has trouble staying married: he's always cheating with himself. what an airhead!


Any time someone says the following words:

Ass- Crown Royal shot
Damn- Jager shot
Hell- chug beer
S word- Jello shot
Son of a Bitch- tequila shot
GD- everclear shot
F word- 2 Goldschlager shots
