MovieChat Forums > Days of Thunder (1990) Discussion > Days of Thunder Original Score....not th...

Days of Thunder Original Score....not the soundtrack

I can only find some songs that were from the original score done by Hanz Zimmer. There is one in particular that I want to hear again. The part where Rowdy is in the hospital and asks Cole to drive his car toward the end of the movie, there is a song playing softly in the background. I think it's pretty quick... but the chord progression sounds really cool. Anyone out there who can give me a hint it would be much appreciated. Should Mr. Zimmer himself read this (doubtful)...let me know where I can get it if not the whole soundtrack...I'd buy it just for those 30 seconds. Thanks.


The score by Hans Zimmer has never been commercially released but you can get bootlegged copies of every bit of instrumental music from the film which contains all the excellent guitar solos and I think the bit you're looking for is called "drive my car", you can try downloading it from places like limewire and kazaa


yea i found almost everything on limewire maybe something like 15-20 tracks. never saw one called drive my car but i'll give it a shot. Thanks a lot.


I have it, message me and I'll send it to you
