MovieChat Forums > Days of Thunder (1990) Discussion > Did anyone see Carl Edwards tribute to D...

Did anyone see Carl Edwards tribute to Days of Thunder at Michigan?

Carl Edwards pulled a Cole Trickle on Earnhardt Jr. at MIS in the Busch seris race. For those of you that dont understand what Im refering to, Edwards was wrecked by Jr. going for the win on the backstrech of the final lap. Infuriated by what happend Edwards came out of the pit and went back out onto the track slamming into Jr. during the cool down lap ala
Cole Trickle and Russ Wheeler in Days of Thunder.
Did anyone else who seen that immeadiately think of Days of Thunder when that hapend?
Btw I didnt appreciate what Edwards did just because he almost took Jr.s hand off.


Yeah thats what I thought of right away, it was almost the exact same excluding the 2 wrecked racecars lol

The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta


No, things like that have happened other times in other races.


The event in the movie was based on Bill Elliott and Dale Earnhardt at The Winston in 1987. Bill came back on the track and smacked his car into Dale's. Earnhardt had moved down the track during the race and hit Bill and put himself into the grass. Bill apparently didn't appreciate Dale driving dirty so he gave him a little "Love Tap."


Is this what your talking about? Because your right!


cmon this is neckcar we talkin about, they do this all the time
